International EMMI Workshop on Plasma Physics at FAIR, GSI Darmstadt, June 21 - 23, 2017

Main Lecture Hall

Main Lecture Hall

Abel (Co-chair) Blazevic, Paul (Co-chair) Neumayer, Vincent (Chair) Bagnoud (GSI)
The Plasma Physics program at FAIR, one essential part of the FAIR project, will exploit a dedicated beamline and target area with unprecedented ion intensities. This offers worldwide unique capabilities to the plasma physics community.  Already during the construction phase it will be possible to run an attractive experimental program at the SIS-18 target area or using the PHELIX laser. The three-day workshop will give an opportunity to discuss upcoming experiments and continue developing the science program of the plasma physics community at FAIR.
Workshop topics include:
  • Physics of high energy density states: theory, experiments, diagnostics
  • EOS of matter under extreme conditions
  • Energy transport in Warm Dense Matter
  • Atomic processes in strongly coupled plasmas
  • Laser based photon and particle sources for HED/WDM-diagnostics
  • Materials research, atomic physics, and biophysics related to plasma physics
  • Experiments with ion beams in 2018-2019 from SIS 18
  • Combined laser and ion beam experiments
Keynote speakers:
  • D. Batani (Bordeaux Univ.)
  • P. Giubellino (FAIR & GSI)
  • S. Glenzer (SLAC)
  • W. Kang (Peking Univ.)
  • I. Lomonosov (IPCP)
  • R. Redmer (Rostock Univ.)
  • D. Riley (Queens Univ.)
  • T. Schenkel (LBNL)
No participation fee is required.

You are cordially invited to attend the workshop
Vincent Bagnoud (Chair), Abel Blazevic and Paul Neumayer (Co-chairmen of the workshop)

Important dates:
27 Feb 2017: Registration opens
30 Apr 2017: Deadline for submissions
15 May 2017: Author notification
First Announcement
Hotel Accomodation
Second announcement
Workshop poster
  • Abel Blazevic
  • Aleksei Skobliakov
  • Alexander Golubev
  • Alexander Pukhov
  • Alexandra Tebartz
  • Alexey Kantsyrev
  • Alla Zubareva
  • Andreas Schoenlein
  • Andrey Savel'ev
  • Angela Braeuning-Demian
  • Anja Katharina Schuster
  • Anna Tauschwitz
  • Annika Kleinschmidt
  • Anton Bogdanov
  • Antonio Roberto Piriz
  • Artem Korzhimanov
  • Bjoern Winkler
  • Boris Sharkov
  • Brigitta Septriani
  • Christian Spielmann
  • Christina Trautmann
  • Claudia-Veronika Meister
  • Daria Pugacheva
  • Darius Mofakhami
  • David Riley
  • Dennis Schumacher
  • Diana Jahn
  • Dieter HH Hoffmann
  • Dieter Schneider
  • Dimitri Batani
  • Dimitri Khaghani
  • Dirk Gericke
  • Dmitry Varentsov
  • Dominik Kraus
  • Eckehard Onkels
  • Eduard Son
  • Ekaterina Zakatilova
  • Erik Brambrink
  • Fateme Azadnia
  • Francesco Schillaci
  • Frank Merrill
  • Gerard Rodrigues
  • Gerd Roepke
  • H.-Jürgen Kluge
  • Hartmut Ruhl
  • Igor Iosilevskiy
  • Igor Lomonosov
  • Jan Hanten
  • Joachim Jacoby
  • Johannes Ding
  • Johannes Hornung
  • John Farmer
  • Jonas Ohland
  • Kargarian Ameneh
  • Karin Weyrich
  • Kobra Hajizadeh
  • Konstantin Cistakov
  • Konstantin Gubskiy
  • Kurt Schoenberg
  • Laszlo Csernai
  • Leonid Pugachev
  • Libor Juha
  • Lu LI
  • Mahdi PourAli
  • Marc Günther
  • Marc Zimmer
  • Marcel Ruijter
  • Marco Patrizio
  • Marco Seibert
  • Marilena Tomut
  • Marjan MahdaviGharavi
  • Markus Roth
  • Markus Thoma
  • Martin Schanz
  • Masoud Afshari
  • Matt Zepf
  • Michael Endres
  • Nadiya Zahn
  • Naeem Tahir
  • Nikolay Andreev
  • Olga N. Rosmej
  • Paul Neumayer
  • Peter Mulser
  • Piotr Raczka
  • Punit Kumar
  • Roman Gavrilin
  • Ronald Redmer
  • Rudolf M. Bock
  • Rui CHENG
  • samira tajik nezhad
  • Sergey Ananyev
  • Sergey Gorbunov
  • Sergey SAVIN
  • Sero Zähter
  • Siegfried Glenzer
  • Silviu Gurlui
  • Simone Aumüller
  • Sofía A. Piriz
  • Spiller Peter
  • Stefan Götte
  • Steffen Faik
  • Steffen Sander
  • Stephan Neff
  • Thomas Kühl
  • Thomas Mehlhorn
  • Thomas Schenkel
  • Thomas White
  • Tilo Doeppner
  • Udo Eisenbarth
  • Valentina Mochalova
  • Victor Mintsev
  • Victor Schanz
  • Vincent Bagnoud
  • Vladimir Efremov
  • Vsevolod Panyushkin
  • Vural Kaymak
  • Wei Kang
  • Yannik Zobus
  • Yongtao Zhao
  • Zsuzsanna Major
  • Wednesday, 21 June at 9:00 AM
    • 1
      Speaker: Dr Vincent Bagnoud (GSI, Darmstadt)
    • HED and Applications
      Convener: Prof. Markus Roth (TU Darmstadt)
      • 2
        Matter Under Planetary Interior Conditions
        The behaviour of warm dense matter (pressures up to the TPa region and temperatures up to several eV) is of paramount importance for understanding the interior, evolution, and magnetic field of solar and extrasolar planets. While the light elements H and He are the main components of gas giants like Jupiter, mixtures of C-N-O-H-He are relevant for Neptune-like planets, and minerals of the MgO-FeO-SiO2 complex are the building blocks of rocky planets (Earth, super-Earths). The high-pressure phase diagram of these elements and mixtures has to be known in order to develop corresponding models, see [1] for H/He. Of special interest in this context is the location of the melting line, e.g., of Fe [2], the occurrence of demixing effects, e.g., in H/He [1,3] and (Mg,Fe)SiO3 [4], and of metal-insulator transitions; for H/He see [1,5]. These high-pressure phenomena have a strong impact on interior, evolution, and dynamo models for planets and, simultaneously, constitute a major challenge to computational physics. We used molecular dynamics simulations based on finite-temperature density functional theory to predict the equation of state, the high-pressure phase diagram, and the transport properties of warm dense matter for a wide range of densities and temperatures as typical for the interior of planets. Results were obtained for, e.g., H/He [6,7], H2O [8], NH3 [9], and MgO [10]. These data were benchmarked against DAC and shock-wave experiments and then applied to construct interior and evolution models for giant planets like Jupiter [11] and Uranus [12]. The treatment of more complex mixtures such as H/He, H2O-NH3, or MgO-FeO is in progress. Furthermore, new high-pressure techniques such as double-stage [13] and dynamic DACs [14] but also dynamic quasi-isentropic compression experiments will extend the pressure-temperature range studied at synchrotrons [15], free electron laser facilities [16], or with intense heavy ion beams [17]. These combined efforts will lead to a better understanding of the physics of warm dense matter and of planetary interiors. References [1] J.M. McMahon et al., Rev. Mod. Phys. 84, 1607 (2012) [2] S. Anzellini, A. Dewaele, M. Mezouar, P. Lobeyre, G. Morard, Science 340, 464 (2013) [3] W. Lorenzen, B. Holst, R. Redmer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 115701 (2009) [4] L. Zhang et al., Science 344, 877 (2014) [5] M.D. Knudson et al., Science 348, 1455 (2015) [6] M. French et al., Astrophys. J. Suppl. 202, 5 (2012) [7] A. Becker et al., Astrophys. J. Suppl. 215, 21 (2014) [8] R. Redmer, T.R. Mattsson, N. Nettelmann, M. French, Icarus 211, 798 (2011) [9] M. Bethkenhagen, M. French, R. Redmer, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 234504 (2013) [10] D. Cebulla, R. Redmer, Phys. Rev. B 89, 134107 (2014) [11] N. Nettelmann, A. Becker, B. Holst, R. Redmer, Astrophys. J. 750, 52 (2012) [12] N. Nettelmann et al., Icarus 275, 107 (2016) [13] L. Dubrovinsky et al., Nat. Commun. 3, 1163 (2012) [14] W.J. Evans et al., Rev. Sci. Instr. 78, 073904 (2007) [15] M.I. McMahon, J. Synchr. Rad. 21, 1077 (2014) [16] K. Appel et al., Plasma Phys. Contr. Fusion 57, 014003 (2015) [17] B.Yu. Sharkov et al., Matt. Rad. Extremes 1, 28 (2016)
        Speaker: Prof. Ronald Redmer (University of Rostock)
      • 3
        Generation and characterisation of warm dense matter in the laboratory
        The study of warm dense matter is a key part of the research programme in many and varied plasma physics laboratories around the world. The reasons for such interest are several fold. Firstly, it presents a key academic challenge. Warm dense matter is a state where partial ionisation, electron degeneracy and strong coupling exist side by side and theoretical modelling is a challenge. Secondly, the existence of warm dense matter in large planets gives hope that a detailed understanding of warm dense matter will help understand the formation and evolution of planets. The discovery in recent years that stars with planets are by no means rare gives added impetus. There are currently several principal ways in which warm dense matter is generated in the laboratory. Firstly, large pulse laser systems have been around for some time and can be found in Europe, the USA, China and Japan. In addition there are a smaller number of Z pinch machines capable of warm dense matter research. There are now X-ray FELs online that can generate warm dense matter and ion beam facilities capable of warm dense matter research are being constructed. For the latter two, building a large pulsed laser alongside allows the facilities to operate either as a generator or probe. In this talk I will outline the methods of generation and probing of warm dense matter. I will compare the relative advantages of the facilities and approaches and discuss future prospects. I will pay attention to the prospects for FAIR and where it can best compete as a WDM research facility with unique capabilities.
        Speaker: Prof. David Riley (QUB)
      • 4
        Prospects of high-energy-density research with use of intense heavy ions
        The equation of state (EOS) is the fundamental property of matter defining its individual properties. EOS is of fundamental interest and also it is required for numerical modeling of numerous processes arising under conditions of extreme energy densities. In this report we’ll present an illustrative discussion of EOS problem for WDM. It includes methods of generation and research of high-energy-density states of matter along with a review of theoretical EOS models. Measurements of isothermal compressibility in diamond anvil cells, data on sound velocity and density in liquid metals at atmospheric pressure, electrical explosion of conductors measurements, registration of shock compressibility for solid and porous samples in incident and reflected shock waves, impedance measurements of a shock compressibility under condition of an underground nuclear explosion, data on isentropic expansion of shocked metals and their importance for developing EOS are discussed. In spite of a significant progress achieved on construction of EOS, the range of an applicability of each theory is local and, rigorously speaking, no one of them allows to provide for a correct theoretical calculation of thermodynamic properties of matter on the whole phase plane from the cold crystal to liquid and hot plasmas. The importance of intense heavy ion beams for generating high-energy-density states in matter in physical domains, which are interesting for fundamental science, have useful applications and are difficult to access by other methods, is discussed.
        Speaker: Prof. Igor Lomonosov (IPCP RAS)
    • 10:45 AM
      Coffee break
    • Proton Microscopy
      Convener: Prof. Kurt Schoenberg (EMMI GSI)
      • 5
        The PRIOR facility
        Speaker: Dmitry Varentsov (GSI, Darmstadt)
      • 6
        On Proton Radiography of the Nonideal Plasma of Noble Gases
        In the present report possibilities of the proton radiography for equation of state measurements of shock compressed nonideal plasma of noble gases are discussed. We will analyze experiments with the shock-induced strongly coupled plasma of argon and xenon, which were conducted at the TWAC-ITEP proton radiography facility in 2010. The shock pressure P in argon tests was from 100 to 1000 bars, temperature T was 8-20 kK with non-ideality parameter Г of about 1. In similar tests with xenon the values of P=4-6.5 kbar, T= 20-25 kK and Г=1-2.5 were reached. The existence of shock waves in argon was registered by proton radiography. However the observed density gradient in these waves is of the same order as the sensitivity of the technique, so the accuracy of the experiment proved to be low. Considerably better situation is observed in xenon, where the formation and development of a shock wave and a plasma plug behind its front is firmly registered. Further processing of these proton radiography data on xenon allow to determine with sufficient accuracy the density of the developed strongly coupled plasma of xenon.
        Speaker: Prof. Victor Mintsev (IPCP RAS)
      • 7
        Recent Developments of Charged Particle Radiography at Los Alamos National Laboratory
        Recent Developments of Charged Particle Radiography at LANL F. E. Merrill1, M. Freeman1, J. Goett1, F. G. Mariam1, L. P. Neukirch1 and S. Sjue 1Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM Charged Particle Radiography In the past several years significant advances have been made in charged particle radiography both in the development of 800 MeV proton radiography and the research into the potential for Transmission High Energy Electron Radiograph (THEEM). A summary of this work will be presented. 800 MeV Proton Radiography Simulations Significant effort at Los Alamos has been dedicated to the development of two models of the 800 MeV proton radiography at LANSCE in Los Alamos. One model is based on GEANT 4 and allows the study of the impact of particles that have scattered substantially or that are generated in the process of interacting with the object and imaging elements [1]. This tool has been used to study the details of proton radiography. A second model has been developed to study the imaging process of proton radiography. This model has been developed to follow the protons which are used to form the radiographic images and use high order beam optics to study the radiographic performance of lens systems as well as providing a platform for removing the aberrations introduced by the radiography system [2]. 800 MeV Lens Systems Various lens systems have also been investigated recently. Applications of proton radiography have required an increase in dose delivered to the object. This increase in dose has resulted in an increase in dose delivered to the lens systems, resulting in radiation damage to permanent magnet imaging systems. The higher than expected radiation damage has been understood and the improvements of radiation resistant permanent magnet material has been studied along with the introduction of replacement electromagnet systems [3]. THEEM High energy electrons are an ideal probe for the study of fast processes in thin systems [4,5]. Most recently the capability of this process has been studied with 14 GeV electrons at the Stanford linear accelerator. These measurements have demonstrated the remarkable capabilities of this technique as well is identifying the challenges of utilizing ultra-relativistic particles as radiographic probes. References [1] Freeman, Matthew S., et al. "Inverse-collimated proton radiography for imaging thin materials." Review of Scientific Instruments 88.1 (2017): 013709. [2] Sjue, S.K.L. , et al. "High order magnetic optics for high dynamic range proton radiography at a kinetic energy of 800 MeV." Review of Scientific Instruments 87.1 (2016): 015110. [3] Danly, Christopher R., et al. "Nonuniform radiation damage in permanent magnet quadrupoles." Review of Scientific Instruments 85.8 (2014): 083305. [4] Merrill, F. E., et al. "Multi-GeV electron radiography for measurements of fast dynamic systems." AIP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 1793. No. 1. AIP Publishing, 2017. [5] Merrill, F. E. "Imaging with penetrating radiation for the study of small dynamic physical processes." Laser and Particle Beams 33.03 (2015): 425-431.
        Speaker: Dr Frank Merrill (LANL)
      • 8
        Investigation of Shock Wave Compressibility of Carbon Fiber and Fiberglass for experiments at PRIOR
        The experimental investigation of shock wave compressibility of heterogeneous anisotropic materials carbon fiber and fiberglass were conducted. Carbon fiber and fiberglass are polymeric composite materials consisting of interwoven fibers with a diameter of 5-10 microns and an epoxy matrix. A feature of these materials is a strongly pronounced anisotropy of properties. For these materials the value of the sound speed along the fibers is several times higher than the sound speed for the transverse direction. The shock wave profiles were recorded by laser interferometer VISAR with a nanosecond time resolution. The structure of compression pulse and the shock wave velocity of carbon fiber and fiberglass were obtained in each experiment. The goal of this study is development of targets for experiments at a novel diagnostic system proton microscope (PRIOR). Shock waves will be produced by a two stage light gas gun, which is developing at the TU Darmstadt. As a result of processing of experimental results Hugoniots of carbon fiber for longitudinal and transverse fibers orientation were plotted in the coordinates of the shock wave velocity D – particle velocity u. For carbon fiber in the investigated range of pressures at the transverse orientation of the fibers experimental data are approximated by a linear dependence of D = 1.70 + 2.3*u, km/s. The Hugoniot for the parallel orientation is approximated by D = 2.3 + 2.0*u, km/s. In contrast to the trans-verse orientation, in this case a complex shock wave structure is observed. Almost in the entire pressure range two-wave configuration is recorded which is most clearly expressed at low pressures. In this case the two-wave configuration is due to anisotropic structure of the sample. The velocity of propagation of disturbances along the carbon fibers is higher than the shock wave velocity, that results in the formation of precursor. For fiberglass the two-wave configuration in the entire pressure range was recorded for both orientations of the fibers. But amplitude of precursor along the fibers is much higher than the amplitude for the transverse direction. From the obtained experimental data Hugoniots of fiberglass for two orientations of fibers were plotted. Within the error Hugoniots for both directions coincide (D=1.85+1.1*u, km/s). Also a study of spall strength for carbon fiber and fiberglass was conducted. For carbon fiber the value of spall strength at perpendicular direction of fibers was equal to 40 MPa. For parallel orientation of the fibers it was about 175 MPa. For fiberglass it was found that the value of spall strength when shock wave propagated perpendicularly to the fibers was equal to 11.7 MPa. For parallel direction it was about 82 MPa. Thus, from the obtained results it can be concluded that the correct description of the dynamic de-formation of anisotropic materials is possible only within the framework of the two-component model considering the real motion of the fibers and their interaction with the matrix. But complex behavior of heterogeneous anisotropic materials doesn’t allow obtaining of the correct form of the equations of state and rheological relations based on the traditional methods for recording of the pressure, particle velocity and temperature used in the physics of shock waves. An important addition of these data is the density distribution, which is realized in the medium at the pulse compression, which can be measured by proton radiography method at PRIOR. The work is carried out with the financial support of FAIR-Russia Research Center.
        Speaker: Dr Valentina Mochalova (FSBI “SSC RF ITEP” of NRC “Kurchatov Institute)
    • 1:00 PM
      Lunch break
    • Plasma physics research at other facilities
      Convener: Thomas Kühl (GSI, Darmstadt)
      • 9
        Research with intense, pulsed ion beams at Berkeley Lab
        At Berkeley Lab, we currently operate two facilities for research with intense, pulse ion beams, NDCX-II (the neutralized drift compression experiment) and BELLA-i at the BELLA petawatt laser. In this talk we will report on the status of the two facilities and give examples of our research and re-search directions. NDCX-II is an induction linear accelerator that produces pulses of 1 MeV Helium ions with peak currents of up to 2 A in a few ns long pulses (Figure 1) [1]. Beam spot sizes are in the range of 2 to 4 mm2. The total charge per pulse in the main peak and tail is up to 16 nC (1011 ions) for an beam energy of fluence of 16 mJ or ~0.5 J/cm2 at the given few mm2 spot size. This ion intensity level ena-bles studies of dose rate effects of radiation damage in materials and electronic devices and studies of phase-transitions in selected materials. We will report on studies of damage dose rate effects in tran-sistors and of flux effects on ion energy loss in materials. BELLA-i is an initiative for high energy density science at the BELLA petawatt laser facility. We have now commenced experiments with solid targets at BELLA, using the long focal length beam-line that is optimized for electron acceleration [2]. Here, the Ti:sapphire laser delivers up to 40 J in 32 fs (1.2 PW) to target foils for peak intensities in the low 1019 W/cm2 range with a w0=57 micron beam spot and a repetition rate of up to 1 Hz. We will present results from a first ion acceleration campaign in the TNSA regime where spectra and angular distributions of accelerated ion pulses have been meas-ured from thin metal foils (sub-micron to a few micron thicknesses). Acknowledgments This work was supported by the U. S. Department of Energy under contracts DE-AC0205CH11231 (LBNL) and DE-AC52- 07NA27344 (LLNL). References [1] P. A. Seidl, et al., [2] W. P. Leemans, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 245002 (2014)
        Speaker: Dr Thomas Schenkel (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 10
        X-ray spectroscopy for Plasma Physics "Day One" experiments at FAIR
        Speaker: Dr Dimitri Batani (University of Bordeaux)
      • 11
        Creating and probing dense plasmas at PALS/ELI-Beamlines facilities: applicability to plasma physics program at FAIR
        Various advanced, efficient and unconventional combinations of the high-power laser beams are available at the PALS facility and being under construction at the ELI Beamlines, delivering a radi-ant energy in short and ultra-short pulses under various geometries and with adjustable timing [1,2]. In addition to that, the near-infrared lasers can pump the XUV/x-ray lasers, other sources of ener-getic photons (Kα sources, betatron-like sources, high-order harmonics, and so on) and produce and further accelerate energetic charged particles, i.e., electrons, protons and other ions. All the primary and secondary sources are intended to be combined to investigate dense plasmas, both hot dense matter (HDM) and warm dense matter (WDM), relevant to various problems of high-energy-density physics, esp. in the area of inertial fusion and astrophysics. The conventional approaches and stand-ard infrastructures of plasma physics and technology do not routinely enable to generate and diag-nose very dense plasmas. Contrary to that, the high-power focused laser beams (and secondary sources driven by them) are able to generate and diagnose plasma with a high electron density under well-defined experimental conditions. Especially short-wavelength (XUV/x-ray) lasers are proven to perform the volumetric heating of solids forming the plasma with an electron density comparable to an electron density in the solid state (see for example refs [3,4]). The intense XUV/x-ray radiation can also be utilized to visualize and diagnose such plasmas. Both approached benefit from the strong dependence of the plasma critical density on the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation. The completion and implementation of the multiple-source and multiple-beam infrastructure of PALS (see for example refs [1,3]) and ELI Beamlines (an overview is given in ref. [2]) will enable to combine all the above-mentioned beams and sources to a well-defined dense plasma generation and an accurate and reliable determination of its characteristics on a wide variety of conditions and properties. The combination of short and ultra-short pulses of laser systems available at PALS and ELI Beamlines makes it possible to study the formation and evolution of dense plasmas on various time scales. This gives us unique opportunity to participate in solving the major problems of inertial confinement fusion, astrophysics, planetology and related disciplines. We are going to compare our plans with projects intended to be focused on very dense plasmas at FAIR to identify areas of com-mon interest and trigger prospective collaborations.
        Speaker: Dr Libor Juha (Institute of Physics ASCR)
      • 12
        Prospects of Warm Dense Matter generated by Intense Heavy Ion Beam @HIAF
        A large scale scientific research platform, named High Intensity heavy-ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF), was proposed by the Institute of Modern Physics Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2007. It was selected as one of the 16 priority national projects for science and technology for the 12th five-year-plan in China. Finally, on 31 December 2015 the HIAF project was officially approved by the Chinese government. Some new experiments become available at HIAF, for instance the research on warm dense matter generated by intense heavy ion beams. A schematic view of the HIAF complex is shown in Fig. 1 and the main parameters are listed as well. The facility consists of SECR (Superconductive Electronic Cyclotron Resonance) ion source, an ion linear accelerator (i-Linac), a Booster Ring (BRing), a Spectrometer Ring (SRing), a Merge Ring (MRing) and several experimental terminals at low- and high- energy ends. The warm dense matter terminal will be located at external experimental cave of BRing. A 2D hydrodynamic simulation has been done. The thermodynamic and the hydrodynamic response of a solid lead cylindrical target heated by the 238U34+ ions accelerated by BRing of HIAF are studied. The simulated results show a state of deposited energy about 14 kJ/g, temperature about 55000 K, pressure about 60 GPa and density about 9 g/cm3 of matter is produced by the intense heavy ion beam, which means that the ion beam available at HIAF is powerful to carry out the investigations on warm dense matter in the laboratory. In order to diagnose the dynamic process of warm dense matter, high energy electron radiography (HEER) is introduced. With the collaboration of IMP, THU and ANL, a preliminary and positive result on the application of electron radiography in warm dense matter research has been obtained. In the workshop, more details on the HIAF project and the development of high energy electron radiography will be given.
        Speaker: Dr Rui CHENG (IMP)
    • Poster Session with Coffee break
      • 13
        A light-gas driver for studies on material properties with PRIOR
        At FAIR a novel diagnostic system the proton microscope (PRIOR) will use high energy protons for radiography. Thus the ion accelerator will be used for accelerating the protons for diagnostics an external driver for dynamic experiments is needed. At the Technische Universit¨at Darmstadt the design and realisation of a two stage light-gas accelerator as a driver for flyer acceleration is ongoing. The present state of the construction of this device will be presented. The first stage of the device consists of four pistons driven by methane combustion. These pistons compress and heat up Helium in the second stage. The Helium then is supposed to accelerate a sabot carrying a flyer. According to present estimations the two stage device could accelerate 3 g loads up to about 3 km/s. The flyers will shock load different. types of targets. The resulting material states and shock waves inside the targrt should be investigated by a combination of proton radiography and other means.
        Speaker: Michael Endres
      • 14
        Development of a diagnostic for ultra-intense laser plasma experiments based on frequency resolved optical gating
        Laser pulses of the highest intensities interact with sub-micrometer targets in conditions where hole boring and relativistic effects play a predominant role. These effects imprint a strong signature of the light being either transmitted or reflected by such targets. To fully understand the dynamics of the interaction, it is desirable to spectrally and temporally resolve the resulting pulses. In this contribution, we report on the development of a time-resolved diagnostic setup for high intensity laser plasma experiments at the petawatt-class laser facility PHELIX. The diagnostics are integrated in the target area to measure both back-reflected and transmitted parts of the laser pulse. For this purpose, we use two specifically designed single-shot second-harmonic frequency-resolved optical gating systems. The diagnostics are designed for typical experiments, where the spectral bandwidth of back-reflected pulses is broadened to 30 nm and above. The FROG achieves a spectral resolution in the sub-nanometer range and the temporal window of 10 ps is sufficient to characterize pulse durations up to 2 ps (FWHM), with a temporal resolution of 20-50 fs, depending on the system. The setup for characterizing the back-reflected pulses is permanently installed at the PHELIX target area, whereas the diagnostic for transmitted pulses can be optionally set up. Both FROGs have been characterized and tested off-line prior to installation and commissioning. They yield a full characterization in amplitude and phase of the laser pulses and therefore can be used to study effects like laser-hole boring or relativistic self phase modulation, which are important features of laser-driven particle acceleration experiments.
        Speaker: Johannes Hornung (Technische Universität(TUDA))
      • 15
        Development of metal plate launcher setup for VISAR doppler velocimeter test and calibration.
        This work devoted to developent of laser diagnostic methods for various experimental studies in HEDgeHOB collaboration. Doppler based velocimetry interferometers (VISAR) will be actively applied in studies of shock waves processes in proton radiography experiments PRIOR [1,2] and high energy density in matter experiments HIHEX and LAPLAS [3].
        Speaker: Mr Roman Gavrilin (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental physics of NRC Kurchatov Institute)
      • 16
        Diagnostical methods for high energy resolution spectroscopy of the target and projectile X-ray- uorescence
        Intense uranium beams that will be available after commissioning of the new synchrotron SIS100 in Darmstadt can be used for volumetric heating of any type of material and the generation of extreme states of matter with Mbar pressures and some eV of temperature [1]. One of the main goals of the plamsma physics program at FAIR is the investigation of the EOS. Due to a high level of parasitic radiation at the experimental environment, new diagnostic methods and instruments have to be developed to characterize the extreme states of matter expected at FAIR.
        Speaker: Mr Sero Zaehter (IAP Uni Frankfurt)
      • 17
        Effects of the finite thickness on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in elastic solid slabs
        A physical model has been developed for the linear Rayleigh-Taylor instability of a finite thickness elastic slab that lays on the top a semi-infinite ideal fluid. The model includes the non-ideal effects of elasticity as boundary conditions at the top and bottom interfaces of the slab, and takes also into account the finite transit time of the elastic waves across the slab thickness. For Atwood number AT = 1 the asymptotic growth rate is found to be in excellent agreement with the exact solution by Plohr and Sharp [1], and a physical explanation is given for the reduction of the stabilizing effectiveness of the elasticity for the thinner slabs. The feed-through factor is also calculated. Figure 1: Asymptotic dimensionless growth rate σ = γ /√k0g as a function of the dimensionless wave number κ = k/k0 for several values of a = k0h, and AT =1. Dots for a ≤ 1are calculated with the theory of Ref.[1], and for a ≫ 1 Ref.[2] has been used. References [1] B. J. Plohr and D. H. Sharp, Z. angew. Math. Phys. 49, 786 (1998), [2] G. Terrones, Phys. Rev. E 71, 036306 (2005).
        Speaker: Ms Sofia A. Piriz (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
      • 18
        Electron acceleration in the interaction of intense laser pulses with sharp plasma density profile
        3D PIC calculations were performed of the laser-plasma interaction relevant to the parameters of the PHELIX facility. In simulations, plasma layer had an overcritical density and rectangular profile. The laser pulse duration 10 times shorter in comparison with the PHELIX duration was also considered. These calculations do not take into account the effect of the pre-pulse. The simulations were performed to analyze the existing theoretical concepts on the interaction of relativistic femtosecond intense laser radiation with the sharp boundary overcritical density at different pulse durations. The other part of the work is modeling of the interaction of laser pulses with parameters of the facility at the Helmholtz Institute in Jena, Germany, incident at an angle of 45 degrees with a p-polarization at the second harmonic on the solid target with the sharp density profile. Results compared with the experiment. In particular, the temperature dependence of hot electrons on the depth of penetration into the target is calculated, which was available for the experimental measurements. The sharp density profile is really achieved in the experiment due to the high contrast of the laser pulse at the second harmonic.
        Speaker: Dr Leonid Pugachev (Joint Institute for Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
      • 19
        Evidence of Strong Damping in Raman Amplification: Comparison between Simulations and Experiment
        Raman amplification in plasma is a possible source of ultra-short, ultra-intense laser pulses. The use of plasma as a gain medium offers the potential to avoid the damage threshold associated with solid-state amplification media. However, wavebreaking and damping may act to limit amplification, while amplification of spontaneous scatter can destroy the quality of the amplified pulse. Despite these limitations, recently published experimental results[1] demonstrate gains higher than can be achieved using conventional amplifiers. Understanding the underlying processes is vital if these results are to be built upon, working towards an amplification method that can be applied to applications. By comparing simulations to experimental results, this work investigates the role of damping on amplification, which has a significant impact at the lower pump amplitudes typically suggested to avoid plasma wavebreaking. References [1] G. Vieux, S. Cipiccia, D. W. Grant, N. Lemos, P. Grant, C. Ciocarlan, B. Ersfeld, M. S. Hur, P. Lepipas, G. Manahan, G. Raj, D. Reboredo Gil, A. Subiel, G. H. Welsh, S. M. Wiggins, S. R. Yoffe, J. P. Farmer, C. Aniculaesei, E. Brunetti, X. Yang, R. Heathcote, G. Nersisyan, C. L. S. Lewis, A. Pukhov, J. M. Dias, D. A. Jaroszynski, "An ultra-high gain and efficient amplifier based on Raman amplification in plasma", Scientific Reports (in press).
        Speaker: John Farmer (Uni Düsseldorf)
      • 20
        Gamma ray bursts from relativistic laser plasma interaction with solids
        Electrons accelerated under action of relativistically intense laser pulses onto solids produce bremsstrah-lung X-rays and G-rays. This might happen inside a bulk target or by using special convertors – thick plates of W, Ta, Au, etc. The paper discusses two issues of gamma-ray production: (i) optimization of the interaction regime by target & preplasma design and (ii) gamma-ray detection schemes with special address to a single shot gamma spectrum assessment. The latter task is of special importance with low repetition rate PW lasers such as the GSI PHELIX laser. The first part of the talk overviews our activity on gamma-ray bursts generation using small-scale 10 Hz Ti:Sa laser facility at MSU. Maximum intensity reaches 5x1018 W/cm2 in these experiments, while nano- and picosecond (10 ps in advance) contrasts were better than 108. This was enough to exclude target sur-face damage before the main pulse arrival even for the metal plate targets. The 10 ns nanosecond laser pulse with controlled energy and advancing time was used to optimize the preplasma plume extent at the instant of the main femtosecond pulse arrival. Huge increase in the hard X-ray and Gamma-ray yields were observed at the proper prepulse & target parameters [1]. We also obtained high efficient hard X-ray produc-tion if the femtosecond pulse was stretched to a few picoseconds without changing its energy. D(g,n) photonuclear reaction was used to estimate Gamma ray flux above the reaction threshold. The second part is devoted to the numerical simulations of experimental setup for a single shot gamma ray spectrum assessment using two different complimentary techniques: (i) multichannel filtered measure-ment with an array of scintillations detectors and (ii) secondary electron detection. The first setup is suit-able for gamma ray measurements below 10 MeV, while the second one – above this value. The GEANT4 modelling allowed us to establish optimal setup configurations in both schemes. References [1] K. Ivanov et al, Physics of Plasmas, 2017, submitted.
        Speaker: Prof. Andrey Savel'ev (Lomonosov Moscow State Univ.)
      • 21
        Harmonic Generation In Magnetized Quantum Plasma with Separate Spin-up and Spin-down Evolution of Degenerated Electrons
        The generation of harmonic radiation is significant in terms of laser-plasma interaction and has brought interesting notice due to the diversity of its applications. It has been remarked that second harmonic generation takes place in the presence of density gradient [1,2] which gives rise to perturbation in the electron density at the laser frequency. Second harmonic generation has also been related with filamentation [3,4]. In this case, second harmonic radiation was shown to be emitted in a direction perpendicular to the laser beam from filamentary structures in the under dense target corona. In dense plasmas, when the de Broglie wavelength of the charge carriers becomes comparable to the spatial scale of plasma system, the quantum effects start playing a crucial role on the dynamics of plasma particles and their study becomes important. The quantum plasma has received much attention in recent years due to its important applications in astrophysics to modern technology [5-11]. Most of the studies in quantum plasma has been performed using the quantum hydrodynamic (QHD) model describing all particles of a species independent of their spin direction. These models do not distinguish between spin-up and spin-down states of electrons and ignore the spin-spin interaction. Recently a new approach has been reported considering two different spin states (spin-up and spin-down) as two different species of particles [12]. In the present paper, we present a study of second harmonic generation when a linearly polarized laser beam propagates through a homogeneous high density quantum plasma in the presence of a magnetic field. The effects of quantum Bohm potential, Fermi pressure and the electron spin have taken in the account. The linear, nonlinear current densities and dispersion for the second harmonic has been obtained. The spin-up and spin-down electrons has been taken as two different species of particles. The high magnetic field disturbs the equilibrium and a difference in concentration of spin-up and spin-down electrons is introduced. This results in the generation of a new wave at the second harmonic of laser frequency. References [1] E. Esarey, A. Ting, P. Sprangle, D. Umstadter, and X. Liu, IEEE Trans Plasma Sci. 21 (1993) 95. [2] V. Malka, J. Modena, Z. Nazmudin, A. E. Danger, C. E. Clayton, K. AMarsh, C. Joshi, C. Danson, D. Neely, and F. N. Walsh, Phys. Plasmas 4 (1997) 1127. [3] J. A. Stamper, R. H. Lehmberg, A. Schmitt, M. J. Herbst, F. C. Young, J.H. Gardener, and S. P. Obenschain, Phys. Fluids 28 (1985) 2563. [4] J. Meyer and Y. Zhu, Phys. Fluids 30 (1987) 890. [5] P. A. Markowich, C. A. Ringhofer and C. Schmeiser, Springer-Verlag, New York (1990). [6] G. V. Shpatakovskaya, Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 102 (2006) 466. [7] M. Marklund, G. Brodin and L. Stenflo,Physical Review Letters 91(2003) 4. [8] L. K. Ang and P. Zhang, Physical Review Letters 98 (2007) 4. [9] M. M. Tskhakaya and P. K. Shukla, Europhysics Letters, 72 (2005) 950. [10] C. Gardner, Journal on Applied Mathematics 54 (1994) 409. [11] C. B. Schroeder, C. Pellegrni and P. Chen, Phy. Rev. E 64 (2001) 056502. [12] P. A. Andreev, Phys. Rev. E 91 (2015) 033111.
        Speaker: Dr Punit Kumar (University of Lucknow, India)
      • 22
        High-energy proton microscopy at INR proton linac (proposal)
        Existing proton radiography facilities, constructed according to the scheme of high-energy proton microscope with image magnification, in USA , Russia and Germany clearly demonstrated the advantages of the high-energy proton radiography method compared to conventional X-ray techniques in the study of solid objects and dense plasma, especially in dynamic experiments. The new proton microscope for an investigation of fast dynamic processes with areal density of targets up to 5 g/cm^2 is under designed on the basis of high-current proton MMF linear accelerator at Institute for Nuclear Research (Russia, Troitsk). With this setup, by using of 247 MeV proton beam plan to investigate of solid targets and shock-wave processes in dynamic. MMF accelerator designed to operate at frequencies up to 100 Hz will let to explore the slow-changing dynamic processes such as crystallization and melting. The optimum parameters of ion optics of proton microscope were calculated by Cosy Infinity code. The full-scale Monte-Carlo numerical simulation of experiments with shock compressed Xe gas and docosane was performed by Geant4 toolkit. The results of visualization of copper and organic-glass step wedges static targets also described at this work.
        Speaker: Dr Alexey Kantsyrev (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics named by A.I. Alikhanov of National Research Centre «Kurchatov Institute»)
      • 23
        Improved description of ion stopping in moderately coupled and partially degenerate plasma
        Developing an accurate theory of charged particle stopping in dense and warm plasma which is mod-erately coupled and for which the electron component is partially degenerate is a fundamental chal-lenge. An improved approach to ion stopping in such plasmas is developed, where the partial electron degeneracy is treated within the dielectric function approach, with the effect of electron collisions tak-en into account. Various methods of accounting for particle correlations are critically compared. In the case of heavier projectile ions variations arising from these corrections are confronted with contribu-tions arising from the dynamic effective charge of the projectile.
        Speaker: Dr Piotr Raczka (Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion, Warsaw, Poland)
      • 24
        Investigation of Shock Wave Properties of Porous Materials for Experiments at PRIOR
        Research on shock wave processes provides information on thermodynamic and rheological properties of materials in a wide range of pressures and temperatures under conditions of high strain rates. Investigation of shock compression features of porous materials is of particular interest, since the experimental study of the same material at different densities can significantly expand the area of thermodynamic states accessible by pulse loading. The objects of the study were inert porous media. Shock jump is blurred in them, thus allowing us to observe density distribution in the front of the compression wave. For an inert porous media, we selected silicone rubber with glass microspheres, this silicon rubber featuring different concentration of microspheres. These microspheres have various diameters. In the first case, the average size of microspheres was 80 microns, while in the second case the microsphere size varied within the range 20-150 microns. One of the methods of creating a shock wave in a material is to use a light-gas gun. Several of certain advantages of such gas guns are the possibility of smooth adjustment of impact velocity, a controlled minimal tilt of a flyer plate in all of the experiments and high uniformity of the region of 1D flow behind a shock front in a target. A compact device which fits the requirements at the plasma physics Cave of FAIR is currently designed and constructed at TU Darmstadt (Germany) in the frame of the PRIOR project. With this device flyer plates could be accelerated to velocities up to 3 km/s. (Michael Endres, Serban Udrea, Yana Hitzel and D.H.H. Hoffmann "A light gas driver for matter properties studies at FAIR"). The substances which we are planning to test with the light gas gun are still being explored during the experiments with explosives to determine the detailed picture that should be expected during future proton-radiography experiments. Free surface velocity profiles of samples were registered with VISAR laser Doppler interferometer. Was obtained some new experimental data on the properties of porous materials under shock wave loading for silicon rubber with microspheres of different diameter. The velocity profiles have rather complex structure of the shock-wave front, this structure being created by the pores collapse kinetics in the investigated heterogeneous samples. A rather complex structure of the shock wave front is a specific feature of the investigated samples. The heterogeneous structure of the investigated samples causes considerable oscillation of the velocity profiles after the shock jump. Was obtained the Hugoniots of the materials at high pressures and some data on the isentropes of the substances at low pressures. It determined that the rubber with microspheres is a material with a low value of a damage threshold.
        Speaker: Mrs Alla Zubareva (IPCP RAS)
      • 25
        Ion acceleration using a flattop laser beam
        The relativistic interaction of laser pulses, intensities in excess of 1018 W/cm2, with solid targets has been studied in many experiments aiming for different application. One of the prominent applications is laser-driven ion acceleration which is of particular interest for Helmholtz Association and for applications driven by upcoming FAIR facilities. One of the well accepted mechanisms for the ion acceleration is Target Normal Sheath Acceleration (TNSA) mechanism which has been explored extensively since its discovery about 15 years ago. According to the TNSA model, the shape of the accelerated ions strongly depends on the structure of the hot electron sheath which itself follows the laser beam shape. Since Gaussian laser beam produces Gaussian hot electron sheath, the accelerated ions have nonuniform shape which propagate in all directions that are not suitable for most applications. Instead one approach for having smooth and uniform ion acceleration population is considering a flattop laser beam. In a series of numerical simulations, using EPOCH code3, we have shown the validity and applicability of such approach. EPOCH is a plasma physics code which uses MPI parallelized, explicit, second-order, relativistic Particle in Cell (PIC) method for simulating laser plasma problems. It is well known that the PIC codes, such as EPOCH, are prone to a phenomenon known as selfheating which is a stochastic heating, possibly after an initial thermalization stage, leads to linear heating of the plasma. To minimize the numerical heating effect we initially run several simulations to find the optimum values for the number of particles per cell parameter and also the temperature of each species, such as proton or carbon. During the simulations we used a plastic layer with the thickness of 10 μm as target which consists of carbon and proton. To have more realistic simulations we also considered an exponential raising part for the ion density to include the effect of preplasma. The extensive numerical analyses show a smooth and uniform hot electron sheath with maximum angle of divergence in the range [-20°, 20°] degree. Maximum energy of ions estimated to be about 14 MeV. The angle of divergence of accelerated ions predicted to be in the range [-1°, 1°] degree which are promising results for having a uniform ion acceleration.
        Speaker: Masoud Afshari (GSI, Darmstadt)
      • 26
        Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in viscous warm dense matter
        In plasmas generated by ion or laser beams, often different layers do not move with the same velocity. Under such conditions, the plasma may become instable. One of the most important instabilities that occurs in a fluid with a velocity gradient which is normal to the plasma flow is the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability (KHI). If the velocity gradient is, moreover, directed parallel to the gravity force, the KHI is nothing else than a Rayleigh-Taylor instability in a dynamical system. In the present model, the KHI is considered for a system with shear viscosity neglected in other available theoretical works.Conditions are derived for which warm dense matter may be instable. It is found that, to excite a KHI, it is not necessary to have strong velocity gradients.
        Speaker: Dr Claudia-Veronika Meister Meister (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
      • 27
        Laser-induced ablation plasma: time and space-resolved spectroscopy. Applications
        Laser produced plasma plumes created by nanosecond laser ablation on both metallic and complex weathering architectural objects were investigated through space-and time-resolved electrical and optical emission spectroscopy. In order to describe the spatial and temporal evolution of the plasma parameters that define the dynamic of the laser produced plasma plume (electron temperature, expansion velocities and particle concentration) target physical properties and the effects of various pollutants on the studied objects have been studied. Different profiles of both transient laser ablation plasma plume parameters and physico-chemical transformations of the irradiated targets have been studied additionally by means COMSOL i.e. finite element analysis techniques. The method consists in a partial or an integral modeling of the studied physical process, using various experimental parameters and general formula and specific data base according to the studied materials. The simulations were focused on the spatial and temporal evolution for a series of plasma parameters and the effect of the external restrictions on the dynamics of the ablation plasma. The plasma parameters that describe the dynamic of the laser produced plasma plume were found to be dependent on the target physical properties.
        Speaker: Prof. Silviu Gurlui (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi)
      • 28
        Line-imaging VISAR System for Laser-Driven Experiments
        The paper presents the diagnostic system for velocity measurements of reflecting objects, designed for integration into the “Luch” laser facility
        Speaker: Dr Konstantin Gubskiy (MEPhI)
      • 29
        Magnetorotational Instability in Collisional Weakly Ionized and Magnetized Electron-Positron-Ion Plasmas
        Magnetorotational Instability in Collisional Weakly Ionized and Magnetized Electron-Positron-Ion Plasmas S. Tajik-Nezhad, F. Azadnia, K. Hajisharifi, H. Mehdian Department of Physics and Institute for Plasma Research, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran The rotating plasma instabilities especially magnetorotational instability (MRI) have been the subject of considerable investigations in the last decade due to the numerous astrophysical applications, such as region of accretion disks surrounding the central of black holes and protoplanetary disks. Recently, it has been shown that the accretion and protoplanetary disks can be considered as weakly and partially ionized with varying degrees of ionization containing a large fraction of neutral atoms. The presence of neutrals in partially ionized multi-component plasmas significantly affects the growth rate and instability condition of the MRI where non-ideal effects (Hall effect, ambipolar diffusion, and Ohm dissipation) are taken into account [1-3]. In this work, considering a weakly ionized and magnetized rotating plasma consisting of electron-positron-ion in the neutral background, the magnetorotational instability has been investigated by using multi-fluid model. Satisfying the current neutrality and homogeneity of the system in the equilibrium state by assuming the same unperturbed angular velocity for charge species and neutrals, the equilibrium magnetic field has been considered as homogeneous and purely axial. Taking into account the collisional coupling of charge species with neutrals and considering weakly ionized condition, the growth rate and the wavenumber range of MRI have been obtained [4]. Deriving the dispersion relation (DR) in arbitrary and high frequency regimes, the instability conditions have been analytically obtained. It is shown that the presence of light positive species, i.e. positrons, can be significantly modified the range and magnitude of the instability. Moreover, numerical investigation of DR in the general case shows that the presence of positrons, not only increase the maximum growth rate of MRI in the low number density ratio of light to massive positive species but also broadened the wavenumber range of the instability. The obtained results of the present investigation will greatly contribute to the understanding of the particles dynamics as well as dissipation mechanism in some astrophysical environments, such as accretion and protoplanetary disks. References [1] S. A. Balbus and J. F. Hawley, ApJ. 376 (1991) 214. [2] O. M. Blaes and S. A. Balbus, ApJ. 421 (1994) 163. [3] H. Ren, J. Cao and Z. Wu, ApJ. 754 (2012) 128. [4] H. Mehdian, K. Hajisharifi, F. Azadnia, and S. Tajik-Nezhad, Phys. Plasmas 23 (2016) 102903.
        Speaker: Mrs samira Tajik nezhad (Department of Physics and Institute for Plasma Research, Kharazmi University, Tehran , Iran)
      • 30
        Model of swift heavy ion tracks excitation
        This report presents theoretical study of swift heavy ion (SHI, M > 20 amu., E > 1 MeV/nucl) tracks formation kinetics depending on the initial state of an irradiated material. This research is stimulated by so far an open question how the lattice structure or temperature affect material excitation process. To investigate this problem, we apply a new version of TREKIS code [1,2] for description of excitation of alumina in the nanometric vicinity of trajectories of SHIs decelerated in the electronic stopping regime. TREKIS code is based on a Monte-Carlo algorithm describing kinetics of fast electrons and valence holes, which appear due to material ionization, as well as their interaction with the lattice up to ~100 fs after the projectile passage. Building cross sections within the dynamic structure factor/complex dielectric function (DSF-CDF) formalism [3], this model takes into account collective response of the electronic and ionic subsystems to excitation which can be of principal importance for realization of unusual pathways of the extreme track kinetics. To describe interaction of excited electronic subsystem with the lattice, the presented upgraded version of TREKIS uses cross sections based on the DSF of the lattice, calculated with an in-house molecular dynamic code. The DSF of Al2O3 lattice was calculated for the wide range of temperatures (80-1000 K), that enables to investigate effects of initial states of this target on the SHI track kinetics. In particular, a sharp increase of mean free paths of electron scattering on the lattice is found in simulations when the temperature of Al2O3 crystals is below 200 K. References [1] N.A. Medvedev, R.A. Rymzhanov, A.E. Volkov, J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 48 (2015) 355303. [2] R.A. Rymzhanov, N.A. Medvedev, A.E. Volkov, Nucl. Instruments Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B Beam Interact. with Mater. Atoms. 388 (2016) 41–52. [3] S.A. Gorbunov, P.N. Terekhin, N.A. Medvedev, A.E. Volkov, Nucl. Instruments Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B Beam Interact. with Mater. Atoms. 315 (2013) 173–178.
      • 31
        Numerical simulation of proton-radiographic facilities at Geant4
        The high-energy proton radiography in the investigations of dense dynamic target provides greater penetration depth, spatial resolution, density resolution and dynamic range than conventional X-Ray methods. The high-energy proton microscopy facilities PRIOR-II (2-5 GeV beam energy) will be one of the key diagnostic tool for HEDP experiments at FAIR project, also the scheme of 247 MeV proton microscope (PM) proposed for experiments at INR proton linac (Russia, Troitsk). The ion optics of facilities is designed according to the schemes of proton microscopes with magnifying an image of objects. In this work, using Geant4 code, the full-scale Monte-Carlo numerical simulation of future proton radiography experiments were performed. The virtual model of PRIOR-II facility was developed based on ion optical data described at PRIOR — Proton Microscope for FAIR TDR with energy of the beam – 4GeV. The scheme of 247 MeV proton microscope was developed by COSY Infinity code. The full-scale numerical simulation for PRIOR-II was performed for static objects (Cu, plexiglas step wedges) and static models of dynamic process, such as Ta-wire in water in the UEWE investigation and investigation of compressibility of Ce. The full-scale numerical simulation for PR proton microscope also was performed for Cu and plexiglas step wedges and for static model of target in the investigation of shock compressed Xe gas (non ideal plasma) and anomalous compressibility of docosane.
        Speaker: Mr Aleksei Skobliakov (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics of NRC «Kurchatov Institute», Moscow, Russia;)
      • 32
        Radiation-hydrodynamic simulations of backlighter options for FAIR
        Multidimensional codes, which combine the solution of the fundamental hydrodynamic equations with the spectral transfer equation for thermal radiation and with an accurate scheme for thermal conduction, provide an indispensable tool for the design and the analysis of experiments as well as for the understanding of physical phenomena at high energy density. The main motivation for the development of the radiation-hydrodynamics code RALEF-2D [1] and the equation-of-state code FEOS [2] was to support the undergoing and future research at GSI [3] and at the upcoming FAIR accelerator facility [4]. Furthermore, recent devel-opment of RALEF-2D yielded a new hybrid model [5] of laser energy deposition as a combination of the geometrical optics ray-tracing method with the one-dimensional solution of the Helmholtz wave equation. Measurements of the heavy-ion stopping in laser-generated dense plasmas at high temperatures at GSI were of crucial importance for the indirect drive scenario of heavy-ion fusion and for the ion-driven fast ignition concept. The corresponding RALEF-2D simulation results [6] for the hohlraum X-ray spectra as well as for the plasma column densities were essential for understanding the measurements and for optimization of the experimental setup. Now, current research for planned warm dense matter experiments at GSI and FAIR focusses on the design of diagnostical options, especially of backlighter sources for opacity measurements. For ion-beam heated foils, an intense VUV-backlighter (~10-15 eV) will be needed. Simulations of a helium plasma accelerated by a plasma gun and compressed inside conically shaped glas targets have been performed to find the best geometry for maximum compression and heating. Fig. 1 (see PDF) shows three simulated configurations initially filled with helium gas at room temperature and 60 mbar pressure and an initial velocity of 20 km/s of the already 10-times compressed plasma cloud at the exit of the plasma gun. The corresponding experimental measurements indicate that such configurations might be promising VUV-backlighter options. Further spectral measurements and simulations with thermal radiation transport are planned. For opacity measurements of expanding laser-heated plasmas a second backlighter option is needed. Here, Fig. 2 (see PDF) shows a simulation of a gold hohlraum backlighter target heated by the short pulse (10 ps, 50 J) option of the PHELIX laser at GSI with a peak maximum of the simulated hohlraum spectra at 100-120 eV. [1] M. M. Basko, J. A. Maruhn, An. Tauschwitz, GSI Report 2010-1 410. [2] S. Faik, M. M. Basko, An. Tauschwitz, I. Iosilevskiy, J. A. Maruhn, HEDP 8 (2012) 349. [3] GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, [4] Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe GmbH, [5] M. M. Basko, I. P. Tsygvintsev, Computer Physics Communications (2017) 6128. [6] S. Faik, An. Tauschwitz, M. M. Basko, J. A. Maruhn et al., HEDP 10 (2014) 47.
        Speaker: Dr Steffen Faik (Institute for Applied Physics, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main)
      • 33
        Recovery of shock-synthesized diamond and lonsdaleite from laser-driven graphite and plastic samples
        Introduction We are interested in the internal, chemistry-rich structure of the giant planets of our solar system and be-yond. Using high energy lasers to shock compress samples of tens of micrometres, we can reach the ex-treme conditions that are present within those planets. Namely, more than a million times Earth’s atmos-pheric pressure and temperatures of thousands of Kelvins, which are reached on a nanosecond timescale. When hydrocarbons are present under those extreme conditions diamond precipitation is very likely. Such a phenomena would have a significant influence on the internal structure and the heat transport mechanisms in giant planets. Apart from astrophysics there are strong scientific, technological and industrial interests regarding the generation of nanodiamonds because of their outstanding mechanical and optical properties as well as their non-toxicity [1]. Laser induced shock compression of hydrocarbons might be a good alterna-tive to current synthesis methods using explosives. Motivation of the Experiment Using laser-driven shocks, Kraus et al demonstrated the generation of cubic and hexagonal diamond from highly oriented pyrolytic graphite [2] as well as cubic diamond from polystyrene samples [3] using in-situ X-ray diffraction. For the upcoming experiment at GSI in November 2017 we aim to recover the nanodiamonds using target designs allowing the survival of the newly formed structures when released to ambient conditions. We expect a decent yield based on the X-ray diffraction analysis of the recent LCLS experiment [3]: about 50% of the carbon atoms in polystyrene turn into a cubic diamond structure upon shock transition. From the width of the diamond (111) Bragg peak the lower limit of the crystallite size is deduced to be 4 nm using the Scherrer formula. A successful recovery will shed light on the actual quantity of nanodiamonds and allows a sophisticated investigation with respect to their properties using various techniques such as Raman spectroscopy, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) or Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). In addition, the existence of lonsdaleite will be clarified, which has recently been ques-tioned [4]. Experimental Details This poster discusses the experimental set up at Z6 as well as various recovery target designs. For plas-tic samples, a double stage shock compression is necessary to reach the required pressures while keeping the temperature below the diamond melting line. This can be realised with the available pulse shaping ca-pabilities at GSI. Moreover, a VISAR system will determine the shock breakout to constrain density and pressure using simple foil targets. After that, the recovery targets will come into operation. References [1] V.N. Mochalin, et al. "The properties and applications of nanodiamonds." Nature nanotechnology 7.1 (2012): 11-23. [2] D. Kraus, et al. "Nanosecond formation of diamond and lonsdaleite by shock compression of graphite." Nature communications 7 (2016). [3] D. Kraus et al. "Formation of nanodiamonds in laser-compressed plastic at planetary interior condi-tions", submitted. [4] P. Németh, et al. "Lonsdaleite is faulted and twinned cubic diamond and does not exist as a discrete material." Nature communications 5 (2014).
        Speaker: Ms Anja Katharina Schuster (Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf)
      • 34
        Remagnetization of PMQ lenses for PRIOR and PUMA proton microscopes
        As the result of the first experiment with 3.6 GeV proton beam at PRIOR facility at GSI [1] it was found that the parameters of permanent magnetic quadrupoles (PMQ) [2] lenses was changed. For the analysis of radiation damage of PMQ its magnetic field was rescanned. The gradient of magnetic field is decreased of about 10%, there was a decrease in the quadrupole magnetic field component with an increase in the dipole component and higher order harmonics. Similar radiation damage at the PUMA[3] led to a decrease in the magnetic field gradient of 4% at one side of one of the lens. A high-voltage generator with a solenoid and measurement software package was developed to restore the characteristics of the magnetic field of PMQ lenses. Measurement of parameters of PMQ was performed by scanner for radial component of the magnetic field (scanning of the magnetic field is performed on the cylindrical surface near the aperture range of the PMQ lens) and a set of programs needed to carry out calculations of all components of the magnetic field at any point within the aperture of the lens. Calculation of the parameters was performed with developed analytical model [2]. Testing of remagnetization method was performed with PMQ lenses of PUMA proton microscope at ITEP. The high voltage generator with the voltage amplitude of U=1.8 kV (3.5 T magnetic pulse), the pulse duration of 5.5 ms, maximum current of about 4 kA and solenoid with inner diameter of 60 mm was used for remagnetization. As result, was restoring the original characteristics of the lens. [1] Varentsov D. et al., “Commissioning of the PRIOR proton microscope”, Review of Scientific Instruments, 2016, 87, issue 2, pp. 023303/1–023303/8. [2] Kantsyrev A. V., Skachkov Vl.S., Panyushkin V.A. et al., “Quadrupole Lenses on the Basis of Permanent Magnets for a PRIOR Proton Microscope Prototype”, Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2016, Vol. 59, No. 5, pp. 712–723. [3] Kantsyrev A.V., Golubev A.V. et al., “TWAC-ITEP proton microscopy facility”, Instrum. Exp. Tech., 2014, no. 1, pp. 1-10.
        Speaker: Mr Vsevolod Panyushkin (ITEP)
      • 35
        Spectroscopic studies of the parameters of plasma jets during their propagation in the background plasma on the PF-3 facility
        Nowadays, experiments on the generation and study of the dynamics of plasma jets at the stand PF-3 (National Research Center «Kurchatov Institute») are performed. The measurement of their parameters can be useful to elaborate the physical model for astrophysical jets propagating for a giant distances. Temperature and concentration of plasma as functions versus time are measured by electron-optic spectrochronographic method, including analysis of spectral line profile, in a variety of experimental conditions. Within the framework of the experiments on the simulating the dynamics of astrophysical jets, a diagnostic complex was developed that A width of 40 Å (each). The complex makes it possible to obtain the time dependences of the intensities and shapes of several spectral lines in a range of scans from a few nanoseconds to milliseconds and to promptly tune the system to the required spectral ranges. Within one discharge of the facility, a digital image of the time-integral spectrum is simultaneously recorded in the entire visible region. The complex consists of an STE-1 crossed-dispersion spectrograph and a K008 streak camera, which is placed together with a notebook computer and a no-break power unit inside a shielding box for protection against electromagnetic noise. The K008 camera is equipped with an additional image intensifier on the basis of an EP-10 image-converter tube. The spectrum image is recorded with a standard SU-05M video camera and processed with the Klen-5m dedicated program, which automatically corrects the distortion and scan nonuniformities and subtracts regular noise. A relative sensitivity calibration of the spectrometric system SIRSh 6-40 ribbon lamp and the EOP-66 pyrometer. The time dependencies of the intensities and shapes of the spectral lines of the neutral and hydrogen-like helium ions were used to determine the time behavior of the plasma. The plasma temperature T ≈ 4-6 eV was determined at different moments of time from the intensity of the two observed lines. The plasma concentration is determined from the Stark broadening of these lines by the Holtsmark and high-frequency electric fields. The range of the measured plasma concentrations was 1015-2 × 1017 cm-3. Distinct dips and picks are observed in the spectroscopic line profile, if short time intervals (≈0.1 mcs) from the streak record were extracted. They could be explained as an impress of low- and high-frequency microfields, exited in the plasma , , . Such dips and picks on the wings of spectroscopic line profile is a clear property of the Langmuir oscillations, that are characterized by a symmetry position from the centre of the line, like this occurs in our experiments. The number of particles is ND=50, and the electric field tension is E0≈50 kV/cm for the plasma jet with electron temperature of 5 eV and concentration of 1016 cm-3. The comparison of EHF and E0 points to the thermal origin of the Langmuir noise in the investigated plasma. The measurements of the spectroscopic line profile in polarized light, along and transverse to the symmetry axis, reveal the likeness of picks and dips positions and magnitudes. This fact says about the space isotropy of the HF-noise and quasistatic electric fields in plasma jets, being one more argument of the thermal nature of the observed oscillations.
        Speaker: Dr Sergey Ananyev (NRC Kurchatov institute (НИЦ Курчатовский институт))
      • 36
        Stability of nano and microdiamonds to the action of heavy ions. Thermophysical properties of micro and nanodiamonds at the heating
        The point defects of the crystal lattice form under the ions irradiation. The matter structure is changing. The gradients of the concentrations of point defects and impurity atoms disrupt the thermodynamic equilibrium conditions. Implantations of ions in crystal lattice correspond to free energy increasing. This leads to the change of the phase stability. The phase transition may occur in the substance. At the irradiation with ions of the nanodiamond particles, the graphitization wave is possible. This wave will be propagate from the ion passing channel. It is suggested that critical conditions for the introduction of ions into diamond nanoparticles exist. At the conditions the crystalline lattice breaks down into an amorphous state. In suggested experiments it is assumed to use a layered target. The energy absorbed in each target is calculated by the SRIM program. It is intended to use a target with a density of 0.37g/, consisting of a detonation nanodiamond powder containing from 3*10^17 to 2*10^18 particles. The powder particles of the detonation nanodiamond have an inhomogeneous structure. It consists of a diamond core surrounded by a shell of non-diamond carbon and metallic impurities. The pycnometric density of particles is from 3.15 to 3.25 g/ For each target containing nanodiamonds, after irradiation, the diamond decreasing will be determined from the results of X-ray analysis. To explain the work with the beam, we conducted preliminary studies of the thermal stability of nanodiamonds. The thermophysical properties of the detonation nanodiamond powder were investigated by the method of synchronous thermal analysis. The investigations were carried out at atmospheric pressure in an argon flow to a temperature of 1500°C. The heat rate was 2 and 10°C/min. As a result of the work, it was found that the heat treatment of the powder up to 1500°C with the heating rate of 10°C significantly changed the morphological properties of the powder particles [1]. The spherical particles with a linear size of 10 to 40 nm predominate (in the initial powder the particle size was from 6 to 10 nm). A high thermal stability of nanodiamond was found up to 1500°C [2, 3]. At the heating of the investigation material to 1500°C with the rate of 2°C/min, the formation of plane carbon structures of the size order of 1 μm was observed in the sample. In this case, the size of the spherical particles was established on the order of 4 nm. A graphite-like X-ray amorphous phase was found by the X-ray diffraction analysis in samples after the heat treatment up to 1500°C with the rates of 2 and 10°C/min. It corresponds to a non-graphitizing carbon structure consisting of planes whose atoms are in sp^2 state, as in graphite, but the interplanar distance is larger than in graphite. Search for critical conditions for the existence of detonation nanodiamonds (DND). Determination of the criteria for destruction of carbon in the sp^3 phase. References [1] V.P. Efremov, E.I. Zakatilova, I.V. Maklashova, and N.V. SHevchenko, Konstruktsii iz kompozitsionnykh materialov 2 (2016) 48 [2] V.P. Efremov and E.I. Zakatilova, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 774 (2016) 012014 [3] S.A. Gubin, V.P. Efremov, I.V. Maklashova, and E.I. Zakatilova, V sbornike: Dostizheniya v fizike detonatsii TORUS PRESS. Moskva (2016) 343.
        Speaker: Ms Ekaterina Zakatilova (Joint Institute for High Temperature of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
      • 37
        Synchrotron radiation of polarized electron beams in laser wake eld acceleration
        Ultrarelativistic electrons emit X-ray radiation, which can be used as a diag- nostic tool in experiments with high-energy-density states of matter [1]. In this work an acceleration process of polarized electron beams [2] is analyzed in the wakeeld generated by a short high-intensity laser pulse in a preformed plasma channel. An initial density prole of plasma electrons in the channel is chosen to be parabolic and an envelope of the laser pulse is assumed to be Gaussian at the entrance of the channel. Considered subpicosecond intense laser pulse corre- sponds to the laser system PHELIX [3] and has a duration of 0.5 ps, wavelength of 1 m and total energy of 100 J. During the acceleration relativistic electrons un- dergo betatron oscillations and emit synchrotron radiation. This radiation is used for many applications [4], for example, for radiographic and spectral diagnostic setups, but can aects characteristics of the electron beam [5]. A model for numerical simulations of acceleration of polarized electrons emit- ting radiation is proposed in this work. This model takes into account the syn- chrotron radiation by adding a radiative reaction force in the Landau-Lifshitz form to equations of an electron motion. In the prescribed conditions, the critical energy of the emitted photons is estimated and their in uence on the electron trajectory and beam polarization dynamics is studied.
        Speaker: Ms Daria Pugacheva (JIHT RAS)
      • 38
        The influence of elliptical vortex on low frequency collective modes in a viscoelastic dusty plasma is analyzed using the generalized hydrodynamic equation (GH). Recalling the local approximation method, the space dependent terms (arising from the equilibrium flows) can be described. In the limit ω≫k_x v_0x or ω≫k_y v_0y, it is shown that the correlation effects (viscosity(η) and collision frequency (〖 ν〗_dn)) and the velocity shear of the vortex coupling supply the free energy for the instabilities consisting of transverse shear waves. The analytical solution discusses that distance from equilibrium space not affected on the growth rate of instability.
        Speaker: Dr Marjan MahdaviGharavi (Researcher)
      • 39
        Ultra-high energy density physics in aligned nanowire arrays
        The creation of ultra-high energy density (UHED, >1x10^8 J/cm³) plasmas in compact laboratory setups enables studies of matter under extreme conditions and can be used for the efficient generation of intense x-ray and neutron pulses. An accessible way to achieve the UHED regime is the irradiation of vertically aligned high-aspect-ratio nanowire arrays with relativistic femtosecond laser pulses. These targets have shown to facilitate near total absorption of laser light several micrometers deep into near-solid-density material. We investigate the depth of the volumetric heating and a mechanism causing the wires to pinch, thereby delaying the hydrodynamic expansion and achieving extremely high energy and particle densities.
        Speaker: Mr Vural Kaymak (Heinrich Heine Universität Düsseldorf)
      • 40
        Volume laser destruction in the silica
        Data on experimental study of ultrafast volume destruction in the optical fibers are analyzed. Under laser action the destruction zone of quartz optical fibers (the plasma zone) occurs and spreads towards the radiation [1]. When the plasma zone moves the caver quartz optical fiber breaks down. The attention of this work was directed to the investigation of destruction at laser supported detonation. In the experiments, we have used experimental quartz optical fibers in the CNS RAS and industrial fibers connection. The saved fibers after passing of “optical detonation” have been observed by scanning electron microscope. It was found that the destruction of the core and shell of quartz fibers has a multilevel nature from micro to nanosize. A numerical analysis of the possible hydrodynamic mode of the propagation of the plasma zone in the framework of the approximation of a continuous medium is carried out [2, 3]. References [1] V.P. Efremov, V.E. Fortov, and A.A. Frolov, Journal of Physics: XXX International Conference on Interaction of Intense Energy Fluxes with Matter 653 (2015) 012013 [2] V.P. Efremov, M.F. Ivanov, A.D. Kiverin, and I.S. Yakovenko, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 774 (2016) 012119 [3] V.P. Efremov, A.A. Frolov, E.M. Dianov, I.A. Bufetov, and V.E. Fortov, ARCH METALL MATER 59 (2014) 4
        Speaker: Dr Vladimir Efremov (JIHT RAS)
    • 6:15 PM
      Bus transfer to Burg Frankenstein
    • 7:00 PM
      Conference diner
  • Thursday, 22 June at 9:00 AM
    • Ultrafast plasma
      Convener: Dr Paul Neumayer (GSI, Darmstadt)
      • 41
        Visualizing the transformation of matter in extreme conditions
        Speaker: Dr Siegfried Glenzer (SLAC National Laboratory)
      • 42
        Ultra-high energy density plasmas using nanostructured plasmas
        As the laser technology continues its spectacular development, ever higher field intensities and power levels become accessible in laboratories. This opens new horizons for laser applications in ultra-bright sources of short wavelength radiation. At the same time, the laser pulse quality – like the contrast ratio – is greatly improved so that fine structured targets maintain their structure till the main pulse arrival. This opens new and unexpected possibilities for laser-plasma engineering towards new physics. In the talk, we consider laser pulse interaction with nano- and micro-structured targets like nano-grass or microchannels [1,2] in the intensity range 10 18 -10 20 W/cm 2 . At intensities higher than 10 22 W/cm 2 , the radiation damping force becomes important and can exceed the Lorentz force acting on an electron [2]. The gamma-ray emission is then the major channel of laser energy absorption [3,4]. When a micro-plasma waveguide (MPW) is coupled with a readily available 2J laser, it may serve as a novel compact x-ray source. Electrons are extracted from the walls and form a dense helical bunch inside the channel. These electrons are efficiently accelerated and wiggled by the waveguide modes in the MPW, which results in a bright, well-collimated emission of hard x rays in the range of 1 ∼ 100 keV [5]. References: 1. MA Purvis, VN Shlyaptsev, R Hollinger, C Bargsten, A Pukhov, et al. Nature Photonics 7, 796 (2013) 2. LL Ji, A Pukhov, IY Kostyukov, BF Shen, K Akli Physical review letters 112, 145003 (2014) 3. LL Ji, A Pukhov, EN Nerush, IY Kostyukov, BF Shen, KU Akli Physics of Plasmas 21, 023109 (2014) 4. Longqing Yi, Alexander Pukhov, Phuc Luu-Thanh, and Baifei Shen, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 115001 (2016)
        Speaker: Prof. Alexander Pukhov (Uni Dusseldorf)
      • 43
        Laser accelerated ion bunches as a unique tool for high energy density physics
        One of the most universal methods to create the matter at high energy density is the use of energetic ions slowing down in the substance. Contemporary sources of heavy ions are not able, however, to heat the matter to a temperatures above several tens eV. An alternative approach to ion acceleration is based on high intensity laser-matter interaction. Recently, it has been shown that a kJ laser pulse may convert up to 5~\% of its energy to ion bunch in the interaction with thin plastic targets. Estimations show that given the properties of this bunch the resulting energy deposition in the raget will be of the order of 10 MJ/g. This number is not only almost two orders higher than that planned at FAIR, but it also gives more than 10 keV energy deposition per atom. It means that the matter will be highly ionized and heated to hundreds eV. The problem of ion stopping in such conditions is fundamentally new. The ion bunch slowing down in the matter will be changing it stopping properties so the dynamics become highly non-linear. Recently, it has been also shown that in this regime the ion beam-plasma instabilities may arise which change the interaction picture competely.
        Speaker: Dr Artem Korzhimanov (Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences)
      • 44
        Spectroscopic analysis of plasmas created in high contrast relativistic laser-matter interaction.
        O.N. Rosmej 1,2, J. Samsonova 3, A. Schoenlein 2, S. Zähter 2, C. Adra 2, D. Khaghani 2, A. Hoffmann3, S. Höfner 3, D. Kartashov 3, I. Uschmann 3, C. Spielmann3, M. Kaluza 3,4, N. Andreev5,6, L. Pugachev5,6 1. Helmholtzzentrum GSI-Darmstadt, Planck str.1, Darmstadt, Germany 2. Goethe University, Frankfurt, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, Frankfurt am Main, Germany 3. Friedrich-Schiller-Universität, Max-Wien-Platz 1, Jena, Germany 4. Helmholtz-Institute Jena, Fröbelstieg 3, Jena, Germany 5. Joint Institute for high Temperatures, Izhorskaya st. 13 Bd.2, Moscow, Russia 6. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Institutskiy Pereulok 9, Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region, Russia In this work we present an experimental evidence of a highly ionized plasma state with a near solid electron density obtained due to interaction of the high contrast 45 fs relativistic laser pulse with Ti-foils. Intensity of the second harmonic (400nm) Ti-sapphire laser pulse onto the target reached 1019 W/cm2. Complex diagnostic set-up was used for characterization of the laser-matter interaction by measuring of a characteristic plasma radiation, a bremsstrahlung radiation providing by suprathermal electrons decelerated in the target material, and an energy distribution of energetic run-away electrons escaping the target. Plasma parameters have been evaluated from the characteristic spectra of highly charged Ti-ions measured with a high spectral resolution. Transient plasma effects (dependence of the ion population states on time), role of suprathermal electrons which influence ionization and excitation of electrons with high binding energy, together with a non-collisional ionization of atoms up to higher charge states by means of the laser field have been taken into account in the interpretation of measured spectra. By application of layered targets it was shown, that the thickness of the keV hot dense plasma layer is below 200nm. PIC simulations confirm that at the high contrast laser-matter interaction a substantial part of the laser energy transfers into electrons with energies below 10 keV. By propagation in matter, these electrons are stopped in a very thin target layer. High energy density stored in a small target volume leads to creation of keV hot plasma of solid density diagnosed in the experiment.
        Speaker: Olga Rosmej (GSI, Darmstadt)
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • FAIR facilities
      Convener: Abel Blazevic (GSI, Darmstadt)
      • 45
        Status of FAIR
        Speaker: Prof. Paolo giubellino (gsi)
      • 46
        Facilities for High Energy Density Experiments at FAIR
        The Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) will offer unique research opportunities in the field of plasma physics. This research will focus on the study of high energy density matter generated with heavy ion beams. The properties (equation of state, transport properties)of the matter states that can be created (eV temperatures, near solid density)are important for modelling planetary interiors and many other applications. At FAIR, the SIS-100 synchrotron will provide heavy ion beams with up to 5*10e10 U-28+ ions (energy 2 AGeV) in a 50 ns bunch for plasma physics experiments.In addition, high energy proton beams with energies of up to 10 GeV and up to 2.5*10e13 particles per bunch will be available for proton microscopy. Recently a new schedule for the construction and commissioning of the facility has been approved by the FAIR council. During the construction of FAIR, beam times using the upgraded GSI facilities will be available for experiments (FAIR Phase 0). Civil construction is planned to be completed by 2022 and the Day-1 experiments of all FAIR scientific collaborations are expected to be running by 2025. In my presentation I will give an overview of the experimental facilities that will be available and the timeline for the construction and commissioning of FAIR.
        Speaker: Stephan Neff (FAIR, Darmstadt)
      • 47
        Status SIS100 - Upgrade SIS18
        Speaker: Dr Peter Spiller (GSI, Darmstadt)
      • 48
        Progress towards first day experiment diagnostics at FAIR
        Speaker: Prof. Markus Roth (TU Darmstadt)
      • 49
        On theoretical support of FAIR relevant experiments by JIHT of RAS
        Theoretical research in the Joint Institute for High Temperature of RAS on the intense laser and particle beams interaction with matter are discussed in view of current and future experiments, in particular with PHELIX at GSI-FAIR, Darmstadt. A wide-range models elaborated in JIHT RAS are used for the description of material response on the intense laser action. The model is developed on the basis of two-temperature hydrodynamics with heat transport, ionization, plasma expansion, electron-ion collisions and two-temperature equation of state for an irradiated substance [1-6]. The effect of dynamical screening of Coulomb interactions as well as strong interactions in dense strongly coupled plasmas and their influence on the optical properties are studied in a wide frequency range [6]. Comparison of experimental findings with the results of simulation is used both for the numerical model verification and for estimations of the interaction parameters that cannot be measured directly in experiments [1,2, 4-6]. Secondary sources of high energy particles and hard X-ray radiation, produced by the action of in-tense short laser pulses on different targets, are widely used for creation and diagnostics of nonideal plasma (Warm Dense Matter, WDM). The different mechanisms of generation of the high energy electrons are investigated and discussed. Generation of energetic electron bunches in the laser interaction with low density targets, and also with preplasma created by laser prepulses at grazing incidence to solid targets are under discussion [8,9]. The features of bremsstrahlung and betatron X-ray radiation for radiographic applications will be considered. Analysis of the experimental data on characteristic X-ray generation at relativistic laser intensities is presented [7]. The theoretical support of laser-matter experiments and optimization of secondary sources of high energy particles and photons for warm dens matter diagnostics are considered. References [1] M.E. Veysman, M.B. Agranat, N.E. Andreev, S.I. Ashitkov, V.E. Fortov, K.V. Khishchenko, O.F. Kostenko, P.R. Levashov, A.V. Ovchinnikov and D.S. Sitnikov. J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 41, 125704 (2008). [2] M.E. Povarnitsyn, N.E. Andreev, E.M. Apfelbaum, et al. App. Surf. Sci. 258, 9480 (2012). [3] M.E. Povarnitsyn, N.E. Andreev, P.R. Levashov, K.V. Khishchenko, D.A. Kim, V.G. Novikov and O.N. Rosmej. Laser and Particle Beams V. 31 (4), pp 663-671 (2013). [4] N.E. Andreev, M.E. Povarnitsyn, M.E. Veysman, et al. Laser and Particle Beams, 33, pp. 541-550 (2015). [5] M E Veysman and N E Andreev. J. Phys. Conf. Ser., V 653, P 012004 (2015) [6] M. Veysman, G. Röpke, M. Winkel, H. Reinholz. Phys. Rev. E. V. 94. P. 013203 (2016). [7] O.F Kostenko, N.E Andreev, O.N Rosmej and A. Schoenlein. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 774 (2016) 012112 [8]N.E. Andreev, L.P. Pugachev, M.E. Povarnitsyn, and P.R. Levashov. Laser and Particle Beams, 34, pp. 115–122 (2016). [9] L.P. Pugachev, N.E. Andreev, P.R. Levashov and O.N. Rosmej. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 829 pp. 88–93 (2016).
        Speaker: Prof. Nikolay Andreev (JIHT of RAS)
    • 1:00 PM
      Lunch break
    • Laser-based plasma
      Convener: Prof. Christian Spielmann (FSU Jena)
      • 50
        Ionization Measurements in 30-fold Compressed, Near-Degenerate Plasmas
        A precise knowledge of ionization at given temperature and density is required to accurately model compressibility and heat capacity of materials at extreme conditions. We have developed an experimental platform for x-ray Thomson scattering (XRTS) measurements at the National Ignition Facility [1-3] to characterize the plasma conditions in plastic and beryllium capsules in implosion experiments near stagnation. Recently, we have demonstrated XRTS measurements from capsules that were compressed to 30 g/cm3 and inferred electron densities approaching 1025 cm-3, corresponding to a Fermi energy of 170 eV and pressures exceeding 1 Gbar. We will discuss recent results, which show significantly higher ionization than predicted by widely-used ionization models like Stewart & Pyatt. * This work was performed under the auspices of the US Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344.
        Speaker: Dr Tilo Doeppner (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
      • 51
        Generation of intense radiation over the entire spectrum from intense laser beam-plasma and particle beam interaction. Overview and applications
        High power laser beams emit in the near infrared regime. When such a laser interacts at relativistic intensity with high density targets and intense particle beams it emits coherent and incoherent electromagnetic radiation into an extremely wide spectral domain, to begin with intense Terahertz radiation from filamented dense plasmas, to continue with continuous black body and bremsstrahlung radiation, K alpha line radiation, high harmonic generation, induced Compton scattering, and to end with hard gamma production from laser-relativistic particle beam interaction via Doppler effect. The significance is outlined by discussing possible applications to scanning and detection of Terahertz radiation, to equation of state studies of laser and thermal radiation induced compression of matter, to light scattering diagnostics of line radiation (backlighting), to high-field ion and nuclear interactions, and to fundamental studies in physics. The aim of the survey is, last but not least, to clarify the FAIR related question: Does GSI need a powerful PHELIX upgrade long pulse/short pulse system?
        Speaker: Prof. Peter Mulser (Technical university Darmstadt)
      • 52
        X-ray spectroscopy for Plasma Physics "Day One" experiments at FAIR
        In the framework of a project funded by the BMBF, we gather inquiries from the different parts of the APPA collaboration which have a common interest in the development of x-ray spectrometers as diagnostics in their experimental studies. It seems clear that the different applications require specific spectroscopic solutions depending on the photon energy range, the need for spectral and spatial resolution. We identify here three main topics and propose a concept of instrumentation for each of them. The ion beam parameters are still insufficiently known, which leads to biased data interpretation. For example, the spatial energy distribution within the beam focal spot can lead to an inhomogeneous heating of the target and consequently to a variable distribution of the ion charge states in the generated plasma. The ionization characteristics can have a dramatic influence on the physical properties that are the center of interest in many experiments (e.g. stopping rates, x-ray/VUV opacities, x-ray Thomson scattering, continuum lowering). In this framework, we are designing and developing toroidal GaAs crystal-based spectrometers, such as an x-ray 1D-imager. We also plan on developing a broadband x-ray spectrometer based on a cylindrically curved HOPG crystal (2d = 0.6708 nm) for photon energies ranging from ~ 8 to 12 keV. Using the focusing capability of such a crystal in a so-called van Hamos geometry, it is possible to increase the signal-to-noise ratio. This spectrometer is very flexible and can be used for many different purposes. On one hand, the large spectral band allows for measuring the emission from a great variety of elements (i.e. the K-shell radiation of Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn or Ge, but also the L-shell lines of Ta, W, Pt, Au, Tl, Pb or Bi). On the other hand, this spectrometer is an excellent candidate for laser-driven plasma experiments, meaning that, as soon as the instrument is assembled, it will be possible to characterize it in real conditions at laser facilities such as JETi-40 in Jena or PHELIX in Darmstadt. The modification of the energy levels of an ion under the influence of high plasma densities is known as continuum lowering. Due to their strong coupling, FAIR plasmas present a high interest in the study of the relation between equations of state and continuum lowering. Hence, we are investigating the opportunity of developing an x-ray spectrometer capable of measuring this atomic phenomenon in the framework of heavy ion plasma experiments. We have conducted the first appraisal on that project and we decided to focus on the lowering of the so-called K-edge of aluminium at 1.6 keV. A spectral bandwidth of 100-200 eV would be necessary. We foresee the use of a spherically curved mica crystal as an ideal option to perform simultaneously high spectral resolution and high reflectivity.
        Speaker: Dr Dimitri Khaghani (Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena)
      • 53
        Nuclear Processes in Dynamic High Energy Density Plasmas
        Dynamic high energy density plasmas (HEDP) as they are generated in the pico- to nano-second time domain at high-energy laser facilities enable nuclear science research in HED environments. At the National Ignition Facility (NIF), the primary goal of Inertial Confinement Fusion research has led to the synergistic development of a unique high brightness neutron source, sophisticated nuclear diagnostic instrumentation, and versatile experimental platforms. These novel experimental capabilities provide a new path to investigate nuclear processes and structural effects in the time, mass and energy density domains relevant to astrophysical phenomena. The NIF conditions provide an HED environment to investigate the interplay of atomic and nuclear processes such as plasma screening effects upon thermonuclear reactivity and ion energy loss measurement in electron-degenerate plasmas.
        Speaker: Dr Dieter H. Schneider (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
    • 3:30 PM
      Coffee break
    • Panel discussion
      • 54
        Combined laser-ion experiments at HHT
      • 55
        PRIOR - Drivers and physics
    • 6:45 PM
  • Friday, 23 June at 9:00 AM
    • HED facilities and support
      Convener: Olga Rosmej (GSI, Darmstadt)
      • 56
        Requirements for Dynamic Thermometry on MaRIE: Areas for Collaboration Research
        Speaker: Prof. Kurt Schoenberg (EMMI GSI)
      • 57
        Experimental Capabilities of the PHELIX facility
        PHELIX is a dual front-end high-energy short-pulse laser capable of generating shaped nanosecond and sub-picosecond laser pulses, which has been in operation since 2008 at GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH [1].
        Speaker: Stefan Götte (GSI, Darmstadt)
      • 58
        Generation of Planetary Interior Conditions in the Laboratory Using Intense Heavy Ion Beams at FAIR
        The field of planetary physics has received a great boost due to the recent discoveries of extrasolar planets. Majority of these planets are believed to be gas giants like Jupiter, nevertheless a few Earth-like rocky planets named, super-Earths, have also been found. Due to the vast seismic data collected over the past many decades, the geologists have a reasonable idea about the structure of the Earth core. It is believed that the Earth core is mostly comprised of Fe. Assuming an Earth-like internal structure, models have been developed to assess the physical conditions that may exist at the interior of the super-Earths of different masses. It has been shown that [1,2] for planet mass between 1 – 10 times Earth mass, the pressure could be in the range of 3.5 – 15 Mbar while the temperature may be in the range 6000 – 10000 K. It is thus important to understand the thermophysical and transport properties of Fe under these extreme conditions in order to study the planetary interiors. In this talk we present two-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations which show that using intense heavy ion beams that are going to be available at the FAIR accelerator in Darmstadt, one can perform experiments to generate High Energy Density (HED) samples of Fe with the above physical conditions. These samples can be used to study the equation of state properties, thermal and electrical transport properties as well as the viscosity of HED Fe. This study exploits the proposed LAPLAS (Laboratory Planetary Sciences) scheme [3,4], which is based on a low-entropy compression of a sample material driven by an intense ion beam in a multi-layered cylindrical target. Intense laser-driven hard x ray (100's of keV) will be used as a backlighter to enable imaging along the cylinder axis. This will provide a monitor of the hydrodynamic evolution of the target and will allow for absolute measurements of the final areal density reached in the sample. Previously, simulations of this scheme were done to produce HED samples of hydrogen [3] and water [4] to generate the extreme physical conditions that exist in the cores of hydrogen rich planets like Jupiter and Saturn as well as water rich planets like Uranus and Neptune, respectively. We expect that these experiments will be very helpful in understanding the structures of the different type of planets in our solar system and elsewhere. References [1] D. Valencia et al., Astrophysical J. 665 (2007) 1413. [2] D.C. Swift et al., Astrophysical J., 744 (2012) 59. [3] N.A. Tahir et al., PRE 63 (2001) 016402. [4] N.A. Tahir et al., New J. Phs. 12 (2010) 073022.
        Speaker: Dr Naeem Tahir (GSI Darmstadt)
    • 10:10 AM
      Coffee break
    • Nanosecond plasma
      Convener: Prof. Nikolay Andreev (JIHT RAS)
      • 59
        Hydrodynamic attenuation of shock waves and entropy shaping
        A model for the hydrodynamic attenuation (growth and decay) of planar shocks is presented. The model is based on the approximate integration of the fluid conservation equations, and it does not require the heuristic assumptions used in some previous works [1]. A key issue of the model is that the boundary condition on the piston surface is given by the retarded pressure, which takes into account the transit time of the sound waves between the piston and any position at the bulk of the shocked fluid. The model yields the shock pressure evolution for any given pressure pulse on the piston, as well as the evolution of the trajectories, velocities, and accelerations on the shock and piston surfaces. An asymptotic analytical solution is also found for the decay of the shock wave. The model is also suitable for calculating the entropy shaping induced by a shock of decaying intensity. It is also shown that by allowing a causal connection between the shock and the piston, the model results to be complementary to the well-known self-similar solution for the impulsive loading problem, which is valid in the asymptotic regime when both fronts become decoupled [2]. As a consequence, the entropy distribution depends on the details of the driving pressure pulse. Comparisons with the available numerical simulations are presented [3-6]. References [1] G. I. Taylor, in The Scientific Papers of Sir Geoffrey Ingram Taylor Collected Works, edited by G. K. Batchelor (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1963), Vol. 3. [2] Ya. B. Zeldovich and Yu. P. Raizer, Physics of Schock Waves and High Temperature Hydrodynamic Phenomena (Dover Publications, Inc., NY, 2002). [3] F. Cottet and J. P. Romain, Phys. Rev. A 25, 576 (1982). [4] A. Loeb and S. Eliezer, Phys. Fluids 28, 1196 (1985). [5] R. J. Trainor and Y. T. Lee, Phys. Fluids 25, 1898 (1982). [6] V. N. Goncharov, J. P. Knauer, P. W. McKenty, P. B. Radha, T. C. Sangster, S. Skupsky, R. Betti, R. L. McCrory, and D. D. Meyerhofer, Phys. Plasmas 10, 1906 (2003).
        Speaker: Prof. Antonio Roberto Piriz (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
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        Energy Deposition and Wakefield Excitation of Ion Beam Passing through a Plasma Target
        Here we will report the recent progress on ion beam plasma interaction. The measured energy loss of 400keV helium ion was much lower than the theoretical predictions.It was also found that, there were quite a few fraction of He1+ after the He2+ ion beam passing though the plasma, so that the effective charge state should be lower than the nuclear charge taken for theoritical calculation. We also found that, the proton beam were strongly focused after passing through the plasma target, and the energy of the focused proton beam were quite uniform,as means that the proton beam can passing though the plasma target without strong Coulomb collisions. Simulation shows that the wake-field could strongly infulunce the distribution and revolution of the free electrons and form a self-modulated, periodic, focusing, and collision-less tunnel in plasma.
        Speaker: Prof. Yongtao Zhao (XJTU & IMP)
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        Applications of high resolution X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy for HIHEX-experiments at FAIR
        A. Schoenlein 2, O.N. Rosmej 1,2, S. Zähter 2, C. Adra 2, M. El Houssaini 2, P. Beloiu2, B. Borm2, D. Khaghani2, E. Kozlova1, S. Hagmann1, J. Jacoby2 1. Helmholtzzentrum GSI-Darmstadt, Planck str.1, Darmstadt, Germany 2. Goethe University, Frankfurt, Max-von-Laue-Str. 1, Frankfurt am Main, Germany Intense uranium beams that will be available after commissioning of the new synchrotron SIS100 in Darmstadt can be used for volumetric heating of any type of material and the generation of extreme states of matter with Mbar pressures and some eV of temperature [1]. The investigation of their EOS is one of the main goals of the plasma physics program at FAIR. To characterize such extreme states of matter, new diagnostic methods and instruments, which are capable to operate in an environment with a high level of parasitic radiation, have to be developed. The precise knowledge of the energy density distribution of the U-beam on the target is a very important input parameter for numerical simulations of the hydrodynamic response of the target on deposited energy. To investigate the energy density distribution, we propose to use the target and heavy ion beam X-ray fluorescence [2, 3] for imaging of the target expansion and mapping of the heavy ion beam distribution in the interaction region with a high spatial resolution of at least 100 micrometrs. First pilot experiments on measurements and characterization of the heavy ion and target fluorescence using pinholes, X-ray pin-diodes and dispersive systems have been carried out in 2016 at the UNILAC Z6 experimental area. In experiments, the interaction of 6.5 MeV/u Au ions with a few micrometer thin Al, Cu and Ta foils has been investigated using x-ray spectroscopy. We observed intense radiation of ionized target atoms (K-shell transitions in Cu at 8-8.3 keV and L-shell transition in Ta as well as Doppler shifted Balmer transitions of Au projectiles passing through foils in the photon energy region of 10-20 keV. This radiation can be used for monochromatic (dispersive element) or polychromatic (pin-hole) X-ray mapping of the ion beam intensity distribution in the interaction region. Using data obtained by a CdTe x-ray spectrometer and a faraday cup, we could estimate the number of Au L-alpha photons per 1 C of the Au-charge passing through Al, Cu and Ta foils, per micrometer target thickness in 4pi. This number allows us to conclude, that 10-100 fold amplification of the signal is required in order to apply this method for U-beam intensities between 1010 - 5x1011 particles/pulse. The obtained results can be scaled to high heavy ion energies available at SIS18 and SIS100 [4]. Experiments have been performed in the frame of the BMBF-Project 05P15RFFA1 in collaboration with the Plasma Physics Group of the Goethe University. References [1] N. A. Tahir, C. Deutsch, V. E. Fortov et al, “Proposal for study of Thermophysical Properties of High-Energy-Density Matter using current and future heavy-ion accelerator facilities at GSI Darmstadt” , Phys. Rev. Lett 95 (2005) 035002 [2] O. N. Rosmej, S.A. Pikuz jr., S. Korostiy et al, “Charge state and stopping dynamics of fast heavy ions in matter”, Phys. Rev. A 72 (2005) 052901 [3] J. Rzadkiewicz, A. Gojska, O. Rosmej et al, “Interpretation of the Si K x-ray spectra accompanying the stopping of swift Ca ions in low density SiO2 aerogel”, Physical Review A 82 (2010) 012703 [4] X. Ma, Th. Stöhlker, F. Bosch et al, “ State-selective electron capture into He-like U+90 ions in collisions with gaseous targets, Phys. Rev. A 6 (2001) 012704
        Speaker: Dr A Schoenlein (GU Frankfurt)
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      Conclusion and remarks
      Speaker: Dr Vincent Bagnoud (GSI, Darmstadt)