The Plasma Physics program at FAIR, one essential part of the FAIR project, will exploit a dedicated beamline and target area with unprecedented ion intensities. This offers worldwide unique capabilities to the plasma physics community.  Already during the construction phase it will be possible to run an attractive experimental program at the SIS-18 target area or using the PHELIX laser. The three-day workshop will give an opportunity to discuss upcoming experiments and continue developing the science program of the plasma physics community at FAIR.
Workshop topics include:
  • Physics of high energy density states: theory, experiments, diagnostics
  • EOS of matter under extreme conditions
  • Energy transport in Warm Dense Matter
  • Atomic processes in strongly coupled plasmas
  • Laser based photon and particle sources for HED/WDM-diagnostics
  • Materials research, atomic physics, and biophysics related to plasma physics
  • Experiments with ion beams in 2018-2019 from SIS 18
  • Combined laser and ion beam experiments
Keynote speakers:
  • D. Batani (Bordeaux Univ.)
  • P. Giubellino (FAIR & GSI)
  • S. Glenzer (SLAC)
  • W. Kang (Peking Univ.)
  • I. Lomonosov (IPCP)
  • R. Redmer (Rostock Univ.)
  • D. Riley (Queens Univ.)
  • T. Schenkel (LBNL)
No participation fee is required.

You are cordially invited to attend the workshop
Vincent Bagnoud (Chair), Abel Blazevic and Paul Neumayer (Co-chairmen of the workshop)

Important dates:
27 Feb 2017: Registration opens
30 Apr 2017: Deadline for submissions
15 May 2017: Author notification
Main Lecture Hall
  • Abel (Co-chair) Blazevic
  • Paul (Co-chair) Neumayer
  • Vincent (Chair) Bagnoud
Program Committee:
Markus Roth (TU - Darmstadt - Chair), Dieter H.H. Hoffmann (TU Darmstadt), R. Bock (GSI), A. Golubev (ITEP), N. Andreev (JIHT), K. Schoenberg (LANL), D. Gericke (Univ. Warwick), R. Piriz (Univ. La Mancha) 

Local Organizing Committee:
Vincent Bagnoud (, Abel Blazevic (, Paul Neumayer (, Thomas Kühl (, Diana Lang (, Stephan Neff (,  Olga Rosmej (, Dennis Schumacher (, Dmitry Varentsov (, Karin Weyrich (