Vorsitzende der Sitzung
Nuclear structure far from stability 2
- Marek Lewitowicz (GANIL)
Emmanuel Clement
09.06.15, 09:00
Nuclear structure far from stability
Invited talk
A bit more than one decade ago, large scale post-accelerated radioactive beam facilities have been put in operation in Europe for experiment at and below the Coulomb barrier. The REX-ISOLDE and SPIRAL1 facilities associated to the development of new instruments have produced numerous results which will be discussed in the present talk. A second generation of RIB facilities is under...
William Walters
(University of Maryland)
09.06.15, 09:30
Nuclear structure far from stability
Contributed talk
The structures of semi-magic 70Ni42 and 72Ni44 were investigated following complementary multinucleon-transfer and secondary fragmentation reactions. Changes to the higher-spin, presumed negative-parity states based on observed γ-ray coincidence relationships improve the agreement with shell-model calculations using effective interactions in the neutron f5/2•p•g9/2 model space. The second 2+...
Ana Isabel Morales Lopez
(Università degli Studi di Milano - INFN Milano)
09.06.15, 09:50
Nuclear structure far from stability
Contributed talk
The rapid evolution of shell structure observed in the nuclear region defined by Z<28 and 40< N<50 has been the subject of many experimental and theoretical investigations in the last years. It has been correctly pointed out that the main driving mechanism is the monopole tensor force, responsible for the quenching of the classic magic gap at Z=28 with the filling of the g9/2 neutron orbital...
Kara Lynch
09.06.15, 10:10
Nuclear structure far from stability
Contributed talk
The Collinear Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy (CRIS) experiment at the ISOLDE facility, CERN, combines laser spectroscopy and nuclear-decay spectroscopy to provide nuclear-structure measurements of exotic isotopes. At CRIS, the high resolution innate to collinear laser spectroscopy is combined with the high efficiency of ion detection to provide a highly sensitive technique to probe an...
Georgi Georgiev
(CSNSM Orsay)
09.06.15, 10:30
Nuclear structure far from stability
Contributed talk
For many years, the g factors of the first-excited states of self-conjugate nuclei, with equal numbers of protons and neutrons (N = Z), were expected to be very close to g = 0.5. This behavior occurs because protons and neutrons occupy the same orbits and the intrinsic-spin moments of the nucleons largely cancel, leaving the orbital motion of the protons to produce the nuclear magnetism....