Vorsitzende der Sitzung
At and beyond the dripline and new modes of radioactivity
- Jordi Jose (Dept. Physics and Nuclear Engineering, UPC Barcelona)
Robert Page
(University of Liverpool)
08.06.15, 16:30
At and beyond the dripline and new modes of radioactivity
Invited talk
Proton emission is the radioactive decay mode that is expected to determine the limit of observable proton-rich nuclei for most elements. Considerable progress has been made in the study of proton-emitting nuclei since the first observation of direct proton emission nearly 50 years ago. This has led to improvements in our understanding of this decay process and provided invaluable nuclear...
Konstanze Boretzky
(GSI Darmstadt)
08.06.15, 17:00
At and beyond the dripline and new modes of radioactivity
Invited talk
The R3B (Reactions with Relativistic Radioactive Beams) experiment at FAIR will enable kinematically complete measurements of reactions with relativistic beams up to energies of approximately 1 AGeV. In this contribution I will focus on the investigation of dipole response of exotic nuclei using the precursor of R3B, named ALADIN-LAND or R3B-LAND setup, the transition from this setup to the...
Pavel Sharov
08.06.15, 17:30
At and beyond the dripline and new modes of radioactivity
Contributed talk
The structure of 17Ne nucleus is attracting a lot of interest for a long time. The multiple efforts to investigate it, both theoretical and experimental, have not yet provided convincing clarity about its properties. There are several questions of special interest connected with this nucleus which are actually tightly interwoven. One of them is two-proton decay of 17Ne first excited state. ...
Xiaodong Xu
(GSI, Darmstadt and Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen)
08.06.15, 17:50
At and beyond the dripline and new modes of radioactivity
Contributed talk
Two-proton (2p) radioactivity is an exotic nuclear decay mode resulting in a simultaneous emission of two protons. It was predicted for a number of neutron-deficient nuclei beyond the proton drip line. The ground-state (g.s.) 2p radioactivity was discovered in the decay of 45Fe in 2002. Later, this novel decay mode was also found in the decays of 48Ni, 54Zn, and 19Mg.
In 2012, an in-flight...