Tohru Motobayashi
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
An overview of existing and new Japanese RIIB facilities is presented. In Japan, radioactive ion beams are available at several institutions. Among them, the largest is the RIKEN RI Beam Factory (RIBF), which has currently the highest capability of RI beam production for many isotopes far from the stability. Since 2007, when the new cyclotron complex started to provide fast (100-300 MeV/nucleon) RI beams using projectile fragmentation and/or in-flight fission, variety of experiments have been performed. Lower energy RI beams are also available at RCNP, Osaka University and CNS, University of Tokyo in the RIBF site. ISOL-based RI is being developed for the SCRIT (Self Confined RI Target) experiment for electron-RI scattering at RIKEN. Plans for future upgrade of RIBF and other programs will also be discussed.
Tohru Motobayashi
(RIKEN Nishina Center)