Organization remarks - J. Dvorak (HIM)
Reports from the working groups
- Separation of Transfer and Fusion Products - S. Heinz (GSI)
- Reaction Properties - J. Dvorak (HIM)
- Solenoid design - J. Dvorak (HIM)
- A gas stopping station for IRiS - M. Block (GSI)
Status: Relevant Experiments
- KEK isotope separation system for β-decay spectroscopy of r-process nuclei -
Y. Watanabe (KEK) - Mass measurements of rare isotopes with the Penning trap mass spectrometer SHIPTRAP -
M. Block (GSI) - A Large Acceptance Spectrometer for Deep-Inelastic Scattering with Re-accelerated Radioactive Beams - G. Souliotis (Univ. Athens)
- Solenoid-based Spectrometers for Heavy Element Production - F. Becchetti (Univ. Michigan)
- Near barrier collisions of transactinides: excitation functions and angular distributions of transfer reaction products - V. Zagrebaev (FLNR)