8:00 AM
(until 8:45 AM)
8:45 AM
--- Registration ---
9:15 AM
(until 10:30 AM)
9:15 AM
Transport properties of the QGP and hadronic phases from field-theory models
- Dr
Daniel Fernandez-Fraile
(Institut für Theoretische Physik, Frankfurt)
10:00 AM
Azimuthal correlations and collective effects at RHIC and LHC
- Dr
Selyuzhenkov Ilya
10:30 AM
--- Coffee-break ---
11:00 AM
(until 12:00 PM)
11:00 AM
Quarkyonic matter: theory, and phenomenology at FAIR and neutron stars
- Dr
Giorgio torrieri
(ITP, JW Goethe Universitat, Frankfurt)
11:30 AM
Equation of state for core collapse supernova simulation and neutron star core
- Dr
Sarmistha Banik
(Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics)
8:00 AM
(until 9:15 AM)
9:15 AM
(until 10:30 AM)
9:15 AM
The Beam Energy Scan at RHIC
- Dr
Schmah, for the STAR collaboration Alexander
10:00 AM
Signals for the QCD phase transition and critical point in a Langevin dynamical model
Christoph Herold
10:30 AM
--- Coffee-break ---
11:00 AM
(until 12:30 PM)
11:00 AM
Time-dependent Hartree-Fock approach to nuclear pasta at finite temperature
- Mr
Bastian Schuetrumpf
(Institut fuer Theoretische Physik, Goethe-Universitaet)
11:30 AM
General relativistic effects on accretion disk neutrinos
- Dr
Liliana Caballero
(TU Darmstadt)
12:00 PM
A many-body approach to nuclear structure and astrophysics
- Dr
Alexandros Gezerlis
(EMMI & TU Darmstadt)
8:00 AM
(until 9:15 AM)
9:15 AM
(until 10:30 AM)
9:15 AM
Hadron phenomenology in the Dyson-Schwinger approach
- Dr
Gernot Eichmann
(University of Giessen)
10:00 AM
Production and Dalitz decays of baryon resonances in proton-proton interaction at sqrt(s) = 3.16 GeV with HADES
- Mr
Adrian Dybczak
(Jagiellonian University, Cracow)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee-break ---
11:00 AM
(until 12:30 PM)
11:00 AM
Electromagnetic baryon form factors measurements at BES-III and BaBar
- Dr
Cristina Morales
(Helmholtz Institute Mainz)
11:30 AM
Charmed hadron spectroscopy on the lattice for $N_f=2+1$ flavours
- Dr
Paula Pérez Rubio
(Universität Regensburg)
12:00 PM
Effects of external magnetic fields on Nc=3 Nf=2 QCD from a Dyson-Schwinger perspective
- Ms
Jacqueline Bonnet
(Institut für Kernphysik , JLU Giessen)
8:00 AM
(until 9:15 AM)
9:15 AM
(until 10:30 AM)
9:15 AM
The Micro-Vertex-Detector of the CBM-Experiment
Michael Deveaux
(Goethe University Frankfurt)
10:00 AM
Propagators and phase structure of Nf=2 and Nf=2+1 QCD
- Mr
Jan Lücker
(JLU Gießen)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee-break ---
11:00 AM
(until 12:30 PM)
11:00 AM
Status and first Results of the CBM TRD Development
- Mr
Andreas, for the CBM TRD Groupe Arend
(IKF, Uni Frankfurt)
11:30 AM
J/$\psi$ production in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=$~2.76 TeV
- Dr
Ionut Cristian, on behalf of the ALICE Collaboration Arsene
12:00 PM
J/ψ reconstruction in the di-muon decay channel with CBM
- Ms
Valentina Akishina
(Frankfurt University)
8:00 AM
(until 9:15 AM)
9:15 AM
(until 10:30 AM)
9:15 AM
Identified hadron multiplicity fluctuations at the CERN SPS
- Dr
Anar, for the NA49 and NA61/SHINE collaborations Rustamov
10:00 AM
Fluctuation and Flow Probes of Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
- Dr
George Moschelli
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
10:30 AM
--- Coffee-break ---
11:00 AM
(until 12:30 PM)
11:00 AM
The Micro-Vertex-Detector for the PANDA experiment
- Ms
Laura Zotti
(University of Torino and INFN Torino)
11:30 AM
High Precision Gamma Spectroscopy of double Lambda Hypernuclei at the PANDA Experiment
- Dr
Alicia Sanchez Lorente
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
12:00 PM
Monte-Carlo simulation of lepton pair production in "p pbar --> mu+mu- + X" events at E_beam = 5 GeV
- Ms
Anna Skachkova
8:15 AM
(until 9:30 AM)
9:30 AM
(until 10:45 AM)
9:30 AM
Virtual photons and rare strange probes in resonance matter
- Mr
Manuel Lorenz
(University Frankfurt)
10:15 AM
Dilepton production at SIS energies with the GiBUU transport model
- Mr
Janus Weil
(JLU Giessen)
10:45 AM
--- Coffee-break ---
11:15 AM
Discussion session
(until 12:30 PM)
9:00 AM
--- Departure ---
6:00 PM
--- Arrival from airport and check-in ---
8:15 PM
(until 10:00 PM)
12:00 PM
Discussion session
(until 1:00 PM)
1:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
5:00 PM
(until 6:00 PM)
5:00 PM
Meson Production in Antinucleon Annihilation on Nuclei
- Ms
Stefanie Lourenco
(Justus-Liebig Universitaet Giessen)
5:30 PM
Investigation of the influence of the beam topology to microdosimetric results using Monte Carlo simulations
- Mr
Lucas Burigo
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, J.-W. Goethe-University, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany)
6:00 PM
Discussion session
(until 7:00 PM)
7:30 PM
(until 8:30 PM)
12:30 PM
Discussion session
(until 1:30 PM)
1:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
5:00 PM
(until 6:00 PM)
5:00 PM
Hadronic resonances in heavy ion collisions at FAIR energies
- Dr
Sascha Vogel
5:30 PM
Spectra and flow of thermal and non-thermal photons at FAIR energies
- Mr
Bjoern Baeuchle
(FIAS Frankfurt)
6:00 PM
Discussion session
(until 7:00 PM)
7:30 PM
(until 8:30 PM)
12:30 PM
Discussion session
(until 1:30 PM)
1:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
5:00 PM
(until 6:00 PM)
5:00 PM
Decays of the pseudoscalar glueball into scalar and pseudoscalar mesons
- Ms
Walaa Eshraim
(University of Frankfurt)
5:30 PM
Model studies of QCD in perturbative and non-perturbative regions
- Dr
Denis Parganlija
(Vienna TU)
6:00 PM
Discussion session
(until 7:00 PM)
7:30 PM
(until 8:30 PM)
12:30 PM
Discussion session
(until 1:30 PM)
1:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
5:00 PM
(until 6:00 PM)
5:00 PM
The Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector for the CBM-Experiment
- Dr
Christina Dritsa
(University Giessen)
5:30 PM
The role of the \rho meson in the HADES dilepton mass spectra
- Mrs
Claudia Behnke
(Institut fuer Kernphysik, Goethe-Universitaet, Frankfurt, Germany)
6:00 PM
Discussion session
(until 7:00 PM)
7:30 PM
(until 8:30 PM)
12:30 PM
Discussion session
(until 1:30 PM)
1:30 PM
--- Lunch ---
5:00 PM
(until 6:00 PM)
5:00 PM
A Langevin approach for heavy quark propagation at FAIR energies
Thomas Lang
5:30 PM
Dilepton production at SIS energies with the UrQMD model
- Mr
Stephan Endres
(Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies / University of Frankfurt)
6:00 PM
Discussion session
(until 7:00 PM)
7:30 PM
(until 8:30 PM)
1:00 PM
--- Lunch ---
4:00 PM
--- Farewell ---