The follow-up analysis of the binary neutron star merger event GW170817 suggests that a large fraction, if not the majority, of the outflow observed as a kilonova was not ejected at the merger but during the secular evolution of its remnant. Theoretical models of the remnant and its ejecta are particularly challenging as they call for a profound understanding of the long-term evolution of and interactions between different ejecta components, turbulent viscosity, neutrino transport, and neutrino flavor oscillations. In order to reliably interpret future observations of GW events and their electromagnetic counterparts, these aspects, as well as their uncertainties, must be properly integrated in nucleosynthesis and kilonova calculations.

The workshop will bring together experts from the four areas hydrodynamic simulations, neutrino-flavor physics, r-process nucleosynthesis, and kilonova modeling. The goal is to identify the main shortcomings of current models and to discuss strategies for how to propagate modeling uncertainties into r-process abundances and kilonova predictions, thereby improving models in a way to maximize the scientific output of future multi-messenger observations of neutron star mergers.

This workshop is funded by the ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI and the International Research Network for Nuclear Astrophysics IReNA.

GSI, Germany
KBW Lecture Hall
Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH Planckstrasse 1 64291 Darmstadt / Germany

Since due to the Covid-19 pandemic the travel situation in October is currently unpredictable, the workshop will be held in a hybrid (virtual+in-person) mode. Participants can choose in the registration form whether they want to attend in-person or online. 

Each day will be devoted to a different main topic (hydro, neutrino, nuclear, kilonova physics). In order to accommodate for different time zones of online participants the meeting will be held on afternoons only. We will provide office space at GSI for participants to work and discuss during the remaining time.

Striving for a high level of interaction between the participants, the number of speakers will be limited to 30. All speakers will be invited per email. Participation without giving a presentation is possible, but the number of seats in the lecture hall will be limited to 40 (for participants attending in person, i.e. not online) in order to respect Covid regulations.