Sep 14 – 16, 2022
Kitzbühel, Austria
Europe/Berlin timezone
Kitzbühel, Austria
Hotel Kaiserhof Homepage:
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This meeting brings together leading scientists from experiment and theory to discuss fresh results on meson and hyperon interactions with nuclei. The prime focus is on the η' and η mesons and possible bound state searches in nuclei, the hypertriton and hyperon interactions with neutron rich matter. The workshop emphasises the complementarity of experiments with heavy-ion, hadron and photon beams. In parallel, the QCD structure of the η' and η mesons, their affinity to gluonic degrees of freedom and the role of hyperons in neutron star structure will be key topics for discussion. The meeting will promote synergies and new collaboration between the two communities of meson science and hypernuclear physics and between experiment and theory, using the nucleus as a detector to learn about new QCD phenomena.

The workshop is supported by the ExtreMe Matter Institute EMMI and by the THEIA networking activity of the EU Strong 2020 project of Horizon 2020, grant number 824093.