14.–16. Sept. 2022
Kitzbühel, Austria
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Invited Speakers

Farah Afzal (University of Bonn): Eta and Eta-prime physics at ELSA

Reinhard Alkofer (University of Graz): On eta and eta’ as QCD bound states and their relation to confinement, chiral symmetry breaking and UA(1) anomaly 

Steven Bass (Kitzbühel Centre for Physics): QCD symmetries and Eta-prime nucleus interactions

Emma Chizzali (TU-Munich): Experimental evidence for an attractive proton-phi interaction

Sara Collins (University of Regensburg): Properties of the eta and eta-prime mesons from lattice QCD

Hans-Werner Hammer (TU-Darmstadt): Universality in Hypernuclei

Fabian Hildenbrand (FZ-Jülich): Hypertriton lifetime in Effective field theory

Emiko Hiyama (RIKEN): Structure of \Xi hypernuclei and \Xi N interaction

Takatsugu Ishikawa (Tohoku University): $\eta d$ interaction studied in $\gamma d\to \pi^0 \eta d$

Kenta Itahashi (RIKEN): Pionic atoms and chiral symmetry

Rafal Lalik (Jagiellonian University in Krakow): Hyperons in elementary and heavy ions collisions with HADES

Hoai Le (FZ-Jülich): Light Hypernuclei within Chiral EFT

Horst Lenske (University of Giessen): Probing Subnuclear Physics in Heavy ion Collisions

Stefan Leupold (Uppsala University): The chiral anomaly and the eta-prime in vacuum and at low temperatures

Manabu Miyabe (Tohuku University): Studies of the eta-prime meson mass in nuclei with the BGOegg calorimeter

Theo Motta (University of Giessen): The Role of Baryon Structure in Dense Nuclear Matter

Mariana Nanova and Volker Metag (University of Giessen): Experimental studies of the η’-nucleus interaction in photonuclear reactions

Eulogio Oset (University of Valencia): eta-nucleus interaction, and possible bound-virtual eta nuclear states, from the study of reactions involving d,3He and 4He

Konstantin Ottnad (University of Mainz): eta,eta' mesons and the Witten-Veneziano formula from lattice QCD

Paolo Pedroni (University of Pavia): GDH on the deuteron: status and new results from A2@MAMI

Chiara Pinto (TU-Munich): Hypertriton properties and production measured with ALICE at the LHC

Josef Pochodzalla (University of Mainz): The hypertriton - what we know about and what we want to know

Takehiko Saito (RIKEN and GSI): Studies of light hypernuclei with the WASA-FRS, nuclear emulsion and machine learning

Jose-Luis Rodriguez-Sanchez and Jose Benlliure (University of Santiago de Compostela): Isobaric charge-exchange reactions: a tool to investigate the excitation of baryonic resonances in exotic nuclear matter

Christoph Scheidenberger (University of Giessen and GSI): Progress and recent developments at in-flight separators and magnetic high-resolution spectrometers

Karin Schönning (Uppsala University): The size of strangeness - new perspectives on hyperon form factors

Magdalena Skurzok (Jagiellonian University in Krakow): Search for eta-mesic Helium with WASA-at-COSY facility

Yoshiki Tanaka (RIKEN): Status of the recent WASA-FRS experiments at GSI/FAIR

Andreas Thomas (University of Mainz): Nuclear frozen spin targets for GDH-Experiments

Laura Tolos (University of Barcelona): Hyperons and strange mesons in Nuclei and Neutron Stars

Nu Xu (LBL, Berkeley): Recent Results on Hyper-Nuclei Production in High-Energy Nuclear Collisions

Takumi Yamaga (RIKEN): Experimental investigation of KbarNN state using K^- + ^3He reaction at J-PARC