14.–16. Sept. 2022
Kitzbühel, Austria
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Scientific Programme

QCD structure of the η' with anomalous glue

η' meson interactions with nuclei and η'-nucleus bound state searches; results from CBELSA/TAPS, WASA@GSI and BGOegg@LEPS2

η-nucleus interactions

The η'-nucleon scattering length

The hypertriton binding energy and lifetime; results from GSI, RHIC and ALICE

Hyperon interactions with neutron rich matter; hypernucleus spectroscopy

Connections to neutron star structure

Complementarity of hypernuclear experiments with heavy-ion, hadron and photon beams (GSI,  RHIC, ALICE, MAMI, JLab and J-PARC)

Nucleon resonances and resonances in medium

Panel discussion on meeting topics