Sep 14 – 16, 2022
Kitzbühel, Austria
Europe/Berlin timezone

Hotel and Travel Information

The EMMI Workshop will take place at the Hotel Kaiserhof in Kitzbühel, Austria. The location provides an ideal unsubtracted environment for scientific discussion. The Kaiserhof in Kitzbühel is a specialist conference hotel.

The physics programme is planned to start on Wednesday morning (September 14) at 08:45 and with lectures finishing on Friday at 12:30. There will be a welcome reception on the Tuesday evening (September 13) from 18:00-20:00. The meeting will include lunches on conference days and the conference banquet, provisionally scheduled for Thursday evening (September 15). One session will be kept free of lectures for informal interaction between participants.

Opportunities outside the formal scientific programme include a short hike to the Schwarzsee (small lake) or cable car trip to the Hahnenkamm (mountain behind the hotel).

Kitzbühel is located between Innsbruck, Munich and Salzburg. Good train connections are available to Vienna (5 hours), Innsbruck (1.2 hours) and Munich (2 hours) - please see For participants coming by car, there will be car parking at the hotel at cost of 10 € per day. For people coming by plane, the closest airports are Munich, Innsbruck and Salzburg (each with shuttle services if one prefers not to take the train). Driving times are about 2 hours to Munich and 1 hour each to Innsbruck and Salzburg.