2-4 May 2022
Harnack-Haus & Zoom
Europe/Berlin timezone

Rotations of high-K quasiparticle states

3 May 2022, 09:30
Hahn-Hörsaal & 640 2973 0764 (Harnack-Haus & Zoom)

Hahn-Hörsaal & 640 2973 0764

Harnack-Haus & Zoom

Ihnestrasse 16-20 14195 Berlin-Dahlem Germany


Furong Xu (School of Physics, Peking University)


Self-consistent configuration-constrained Total Routhian Surfaces (TRS) [1,2] have been developed to treat the collective rotations of quasiparticle states built on broken-pair excited configurations. Two types of interaction have been used for the configuration-constrained TRS calculations: the deformed Woods-Saxon potential and the two-body Skyrme force within the Hartree-Fock approximation in the (β2, β4, γ) deformation lattice. To avoid the pairing collapse, the particle-number-conserving (PNC) pairing was employed, which takes the shell-model diagonalization technique. The rotational bands of various quasiparticle configurations from Kπ=7− to Kπ=30+ in 178W have been calculated, giving good agreements with data in the moments of inertia. The configuration-constrained TRS’s show the deformation evolution with changing rotational frequency and configuration. The irregularities in the observed moments of inertia of the Kπ=8− bands in transfermium nuclei (e.g., 252No and 250Fm) were explained by the configuration mixing (band crossing) with a two-proton Kπ = 7− band [3]. Within Hartree-Fock plus PNC pairing, the configuration-constrained TRS based on the microscopic Skyrme interaction has been successfully applied to the high-K bands of Hf isotopes [2].

1. X. M. Fu, F. R. Xu, J. C. Pei, C. F. Jiao, Yue Shi, Z. H. Zhang, and Y. A. Lei, Phys. Rev. C 87, 044319 (2013).
2. W. Y. Liang, C. F. Jiao, Q. Wu, X. M. Fu, and F. R. Xu, Phys. Rev. C 92, 064325 (2015).
3. X. M. Fu, F. R. Xu, C. F. Jiao, W. Y. Liang, J. C. Pei, and H. L. Liu, Phys. Rev. C 89, 054301 (2014).

Primary authors

Furong Xu (School of Physics, Peking University) Dr Ximing Fu (School of Physics, Peking University) Dr Wuyang Liang (School of Physics, Peking University)

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