$K$ isomers in $^{248}$Cf and the $Z$=100 deformed shell gap (in session "Isomers in Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics ONLINE")
A changing nuclear structure beyond N=126 from isomers in $^{211,213}$Tl and $^{210}$Hg (in session "Evening Online Session")
A cryogenic Paul trap setup for the determination of the ionic radiative lifetime of ${}^{229m}$Th$^{3+}$ (in session "Poster Session On Site")
A VUV frequency comb for the excitation of the 229-thorium isomer (in session "Poster Session On Site")
Another Isomer in 102Rh ? (in session "Evening Online Session")
Astromers: Astrophysically Metastable Isomers (in session "Evening Online Session")
Auger and X-ray K-shell fluorescence measurements for Sc-44 isomeric decays (in session "Isomers in Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics ONLINE")
B(E2) predictions within the proxy-SU(3) symmetry (in session "Poster Session On Site")
Beta-decaying Isomers in Deformed, Neutron-rich Nuclei: Nuclear Structure and Role of K Forbiddenness* (in session "Isomer Applications, Nuclear Structure")
Coherent population transfer techniques for the $^{229}$Th nuclear clock candidate (in session "Poster Session On Site")
Collective and intrinsic excitations in Hg and Tl isotopes explored through nanosecond to microsecond isomers (in session "Poster Session On Site")
Continued efforts towards direct laser spectroscopy of 229mTh (in session "The Intriguing 229Th Isomer")
Correlated prompt-delayed gamma spectroscopy for nuclear structure studies: isomers in the neutron-rich Kr isotopes approaching N=60 (in session "Atomic‐Shell Nucleus Interface, 229Th, Symmetries, etc.")
Dark matter searches with 229mTh isomer (in session "Atomic‐Shell Nucleus Interface, 229Th, Symmetries, etc.")
Decay spectroscopy with isomeric beams using the GRIFFIN spectrometer at TRIUMF (in session "Nuclear Structure II")
Determining cross sections for neutron capture reactions involving isomeric states (in session "Evening Online Session")
Developments of nuclear structure models for isomers (in session "Evening Online Session")
Direct Mass-Measurements of the 99In Isomeric State Provide new Experimental Input to Nuclear Theory (in session "Precision Mass Spectrometry, Nuclear Structure")
E3 decaying isomers and octupole collectivity in the vicinity of 208Pb (in session "Nuclear Structure I")
First access to isomeric transitions in N > 126 nuclei at RIKEN (in session "Isomer Applications, Nuclear Structure")
Fission hindrance of high-K isomers in transfermium nuclei (in session "Isomers in Heavy and Superheavy Nuclei")
From Exotic Symmetries to Exotic Isomers in Both Stable and Exotic Nuclei (in session "Isomers in Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics ONLINE")
From shape coexistence to shape isomers in atomic nuclei (in session "Nuclear Structure II")
Global Searches and Optimisation in the Utilitarian Approach to Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture (NEEC) (in session "Poster Session On Site")
High-K isomeric states in the A~250 region: new isomers in 249,251Md and stability inversion in 250No. (in session "Isomers in Heavy and Superheavy Nuclei")
Highly-converted and low-energy isomer searches and FRIB (in session "Evening Online Session")
In-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy and lifetime measurements with HiCARI (in session "Nuclear Structure I")
Investigation of isomers in heavy nuclei (in session "Isomers in Heavy and Superheavy Nuclei")
Isomer studies for r-process nucleosynthesis (in session "Evening Online Session")
Isomeric states at the extremes of proton stability (in session "Nuclear Structure II")
Isomers explored with novel ion-trapping techniques at JYFLTRAP (in session "Precision Mass Spectrometry, Nuclear Structure")
Isomers in Superheavy Nuclei (in session "Evening Online Session")
Isomers, the key to the origin of heavy elements and neutrino mass hierarchy (in session "Isomers in Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics ONLINE")
Kr83 Isomers Induced by High Intensity femtosecond Lasers (in session "Isomers in Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics ONLINE")
Lattice Location of Th in CaF$_2$ Using Channeling Techniques: Towards a Nuclear Clock (in session "Poster Session On Site")
Lifetime measurement of first 4+ state in 102Sn via the decay from seniority isomer (in session "Poster Session On Site")
Manifestation of the Berry phase in the atomic nucleus $^{213}$Pb (in session "Evening Online Session")
Mass measurement and spectroscopy of 190-Re using the Q3D magnetic spectrograph (in session "Poster Session On Site")
New Experimental Approaches to Nuclear Isomers for Nuclear Astrophysics (in session "Atomic‐Shell Nucleus Interface, 229Th, Symmetries, etc.")
Nuclear Excitation by Electron Capture in Excited Ions (in session "Poster Session On Site")
Nuclear excitation by electron capture with electron vortex beams for isomer depletion (in session "Poster Session On Site")
Nuclear isomers in medicine (in session "Isomer Applications, Nuclear Structure")
Nuclear isomers – a probe of nuclear structure and deformation for the heaviest nuclei (in session "Isomers in Heavy and Superheavy Nuclei")
Nuclear metastability: from K-isomers to the optically accessible $^{229m}$Th (in session "The Intriguing 229Th Isomer")
On the trail of low-lying isomeric states by Penning-trap mass spectrometry (in session "Nuclear Structure I")
On the use of nuclear isomers in solid state physics (in session "Isomer Applications, Nuclear Structure")
Otto Hahn – His Life and His Impact on Science and Mankind (in session "Evening Lecture")
Physics of laser-assisted nuclear processes (in session "Poster Session On Site")
Prospective isomeric studies with high-brilliance gamma beams (in session "Atomic‐Shell Nucleus Interface, 229Th, Symmetries, etc.")
Proton emission from 54mNi and mirror symmetry (breaking) with 54mFe (in session "Atomic‐Shell Nucleus Interface, 229Th, Symmetries, etc.")
Registration (in session "Opening / Welcome and Status")
Rotations of high-K quasiparticle states (in session "Isomers in Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics ONLINE")
Search of the exotic nuclear two-photon emission decay in isochronous heavy ion storage rings (in session "Poster Session On Site")
Self-Consistent Mean Field Studies of Multi-Quasiparticle Exitations With The Gogny Force (in session "Isomers in Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics ONLINE")
Seniority and Isomerism in Nuclei (in session "Precision Mass Spectrometry, Nuclear Structure")
Shape-isomer-like excitations in 64,66Ni isotopes (in session "Isomers in Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics ONLINE")
Shell evolution below $^{132}$Sn and its impact on Gamow-Teller $\beta$ decay from the ($27/2^+$) isomer in $^{127}$Ag (in session "Isomers in Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics ONLINE")
Shell-model study of nuclear isomers in Sn and Pb region (in session "Poster Session On Site")
Status and Perspectives for a Nuclear Clock based on the 229mTh isomer (in session "The Intriguing 229Th Isomer")
Structure and Energy of Isomeric States of some Well-Deformed Even-Even Rare-Earth and Actinide Nuclei, a Microscopic Approach (in session "Nuclear Structure II")
Studying Proton Capture on Astrophysical Isomers with SECAR (in session "Evening Online Session")
Towards the Lifetime Measurement of the $^{229m}$Th$^{3+}$ Nuclear Clock Isomer (in session "Poster Session On Site")
Transfer reactions with Isomeric beams for Nuclear Astrophysics (in session "Evening Online Session")
Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of the Actinium-229 beta decay: On the way to the first observation of 229mTh’s radiative decay? (in session "Atomic‐Shell Nucleus Interface, 229Th, Symmetries, etc.")
Welcome (in session "Opening / Welcome and Status")
Include materials from selected contributions