9:45 AM
10:00 AM
Is the proton charge radius puzzle solved?
- Prof.
Randolf Pohl
(Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet Mainz)
10:30 AM
Measurement of the positronium fine structure
- Prof.
David Cassidy
(University College London, UCL)
11:00 AM
Mu-MASS experiment at PSI
- Dr
Ben Ohayon
(Federal Institute of Technology in Zuerich, ETHZ)
11:20 AM
Spectroscopy of the hyperfine structure in muonium
- Dr
Shoichiro Nishimura
(Muon Science Laboratory, MSL, KEK)
11:40 AM
Stimulated decay and formation of antihydrogen atoms
Tim Wolz
10:00 AM
Muon g-2 - Status of theory and experiment
- Mr
Paolo Girotti
(INFN Pisa and University of Pisa) Dr
Massimo Passera
(INFN, Padua)
10:30 AM
Measurement of the permanent electric dipole moment of the neutron
Pin-Jung Chiu
(Paul Scherrer Institute)
10:50 AM
Alpha - Laser cooling of antihydrogen atoms
- Prof.
Claudio Cesar
(University of Rio de Janeiro)
11:20 AM
Recent results from the BASE experiment
- Dr
Elise Wursten
11:40 AM
Laser spectroscopy of pionic helium atoms
- Dr
Masaki Hori
(Max-Planck Institute for Quantum Optics)
10:00 AM
New developments in low-energy QCD
- Prof.
Anthony Thomas
(University of Adelaide)
10:30 AM
Pionic hydrogen and deuterium
- Prof.
Detlev Gotta
(Forschungszentrum Jülich)
10:50 AM
Overview - Hypernuclei and Hyperatoms
- Prof.
Josef Pochodzalla
(GSI, Darmstadt)
11:20 AM
The neutron as a building block
- Prof.
Miguel Marques
(Universite de Caen, LPCC)
11:40 AM
Measurements of hadron-hadron interactions with ALICE
- Prof.
Laura Fabbietti
10:00 AM
(until 12:00 PM)
10:10 AM
Low-energy kaon-nuclei interactions studies at DAFNE
- Dr
Kristian Piscicchia
(Centro FERMI, Rome)
10:40 AM
Minimizing Plasma Temperature for Antimatter Mixing Experiments
- Dr
Eric Hunter
(Stefan Meyer Institute, SMI)
11:00 AM
Current understanding of the Kbar-N, Kbar-atom and Kbar-nucleus interactions
- Prof.
Eulogio Oset
(University of Valencia)
11:20 AM
Summary of the K-pp bound-state observation in E15
- Dr
Fuminori Sakuma
11:40 AM
Kaonic atom X-rays at J-PARC
- Dr
Tadashi Hashimoto