1:30 PM
Presentations by young researchers
Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg
(until 3:40 PM)
(Lecture Hall)
1:30 PM
Welcome, purpose and goal of the meeting
Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg
(Univ. of Liverpool)
(Lecture Hall)
1:40 PM
Spectroscopy and identification of rare isotopes using S3
Julien Piot
(Lecture Hall)
2:00 PM
Production cross-sections of 243Es and 249Md: reaction mechanism towards the spectroscopy of SHN
Marine Vandebrouck
(Lecture Hall)
2:20 PM
Towards ion mobility studies of actinides
Elisabeth Rickert
(HIM / JGU Mainz)
(Lecture Hall)
2:40 PM
Actinide beams by light ion induced fusion evaporation reactions for collinear laser spectroscopy
Ilkka Pohjalainen
(University of Jyväskylä)
(Lecture Hall)
3:00 PM
Spectroscopy of the isotopes of transfermium elements at FLNR-JINR
Alena Kuznetsova
(JINR Dubna)
(Lecture Hall)
3:20 PM
Decay Spectroscopy: From radium to flerovium with Lundium
Anton Såmark-Roth
(Lund University)
(Lecture Hall)
3:40 PM
--- Coffee break ---
4:10 PM
Presentations by young researchers
Jacklyn Gates
(until 6:10 PM)
(Lecture Hall)
4:10 PM
Highly efficient synthesis of carbonyl complexes of short-lived transition-elements
Michael Götz
(Lecture Hall)
4:30 PM
Developing Techniques for Lifetime Measurements in the Heaviest Elements
Jacob Heery
(University of Liverpool)
(Lecture Hall)
4:50 PM
Supersonic gas jets for laser ionization spectroscopy of heavy elements at the S3-LEB
Rafael Ferrer
(KU Leuven)
(Lecture Hall)
5:10 PM
Investigation of the spontaneous fission properties of neutron-deficient nobelium isotopes
Andrey Isaev
(JINR Dubna)
(Lecture Hall)
5:30 PM
Simulations of the SEASON detector at S3 LEB and results from 249Md experiment at JYFL
Thomas Goigoux
(CEA Saclay)
(Lecture Hall)
5:50 PM
Total kinetic energy measurements in Rf region and new isomers in Rf-255
Pavol Mosat
(Univ. Bratislava)
(Lecture Hall)
6:10 PM
--- Buffet dinner ---