NUSPRASEN Workshop 2019

from Monday, February 25, 2019 (1:00 PM) to Wednesday, February 27, 2019 (6:10 PM)
GSI (Lecture Hall)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
Feb 25, 2019
Feb 26, 2019
Feb 27, 2019
8:50 AM
Target techniques and developments - Christelle Stodel (until 10:30 AM) (Lecture Hall)
8:50 AM Target preparation techniques at the GSI target laboratory - Bettina Lommel (GSI)   (Lecture Hall)
9:10 AM Targetry of Exotic Radionuclides at PSI - Emilio Maugeri (PSI)   (Lecture Hall)
9:30 AM Developments on a Drop-on-Demand System for Actinide-Targets - Dennis Renisch (JGU Mainz)   (Lecture Hall)
9:50 AM Nuclear Spectroscopy Group activities around MARA and RITU separators at JYFLACCLAB - Juha Uusitalo (University of Jyväskylä)   (Lecture Hall)
10:10 AM Intermetallic actinides targets for intense heavy ion-beam irradiations - Elizaveta Melnik (JINR Dubna)   (Lecture Hall)
10:30 AM --- Coffee break ---
10:50 AM
Target techniques and developments - Emilio Maugeri (until 12:50 PM) (Lecture Hall)
10:50 AM Target development for S3 - Christelle Stodel (GANIL)   (Lecture Hall)
11:10 AM Target performance under beam influence: comparison of different production methods and different incident projectiles - Raphael Haas (JGU Mainz)   (Lecture Hall)
11:30 AM Uranium targets prepared by Pulse Molecular Plating and target characterization - Chunli Yang (IMP CAS)   (Lecture Hall)
11:50 AM Consolidating Target Manufacturing Methods for Nuclear Physics Experiments at Accelerators - Andreea Mitu (IFIN-HH)   (Lecture Hall)
12:10 PM Activities related to SHE target production and aqueous chemistry of SHEs at RIKEN - Yukiko Komori (RIKEN)   (Lecture Hall)
12:30 PM Characterization methods at the GSI target laboratory - Birgit Kindler (GSI)   (Lecture Hall)
1:30 PM
Presentations by young researchers - Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg (until 3:40 PM) (Lecture Hall)
1:30 PM Welcome, purpose and goal of the meeting - Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg (Univ. of Liverpool)   (Lecture Hall)
1:40 PM Spectroscopy and identification of rare isotopes using S3 - Julien Piot (GANIL)   (Lecture Hall)
2:00 PM Production cross-sections of 243Es and 249Md: reaction mechanism towards the spectroscopy of SHN - Marine Vandebrouck (GANIL)   (Lecture Hall)
2:20 PM Towards ion mobility studies of actinides - Elisabeth Rickert (HIM / JGU Mainz)   (Lecture Hall)
2:40 PM Actinide beams by light ion induced fusion evaporation reactions for collinear laser spectroscopy - Ilkka Pohjalainen (University of Jyväskylä)   (Lecture Hall)
3:00 PM Spectroscopy of the isotopes of transfermium elements at FLNR-JINR - Alena Kuznetsova (JINR Dubna)   (Lecture Hall)
3:20 PM Decay Spectroscopy: From radium to flerovium with Lundium - Anton Såmark-Roth (Lund University)   (Lecture Hall)
3:40 PM --- Coffee break ---
4:10 PM
Presentations by young researchers - Jacklyn Gates (until 6:10 PM) (Lecture Hall)
4:10 PM Highly efficient synthesis of carbonyl complexes of short-lived transition-elements - Michael Götz (HIM)   (Lecture Hall)
4:30 PM Developing Techniques for Lifetime Measurements in the Heaviest Elements - Jacob Heery (University of Liverpool)   (Lecture Hall)
4:50 PM Supersonic gas jets for laser ionization spectroscopy of heavy elements at the S3-LEB - Rafael Ferrer (KU Leuven)   (Lecture Hall)
5:10 PM Investigation of the spontaneous fission properties of neutron-deficient nobelium isotopes - Andrey Isaev (JINR Dubna)   (Lecture Hall)
5:30 PM Simulations of the SEASON detector at S3 LEB and results from 249Md experiment at JYFL - Thomas Goigoux (CEA Saclay)   (Lecture Hall)
5:50 PM Total kinetic energy measurements in Rf region and new isomers in Rf-255 - Pavol Mosat (Univ. Bratislava)   (Lecture Hall)
6:10 PM --- Buffet dinner ---
12:50 PM Conference photo   (Lecture Hall)
12:55 PM --- Lunch break ---
2:30 PM
Tour to GSI accelerators and experiments, including FAIR construction site (until 4:00 PM) (Foyer)
4:00 PM --- Coffee break ---
4:30 PM
Tour to GSI Target Laboratory (until 5:30 PM) (Foyer)
2:30 PM
Plenary Session NUSTAR - Michael Block (until 4:10 PM) (Lecture Hall)
2:30 PM Status of the factory of superheavy elements at FLNR - Andrey Popeko (FLNR JINR Dubna)   (Lecture Hall)
2:55 PM Present Status and Perspectives of SHE Researches at RIKEN - Hiromitsu Haba (RIKEN)   (Lecture Hall)
3:20 PM Direct mass measurements of ground states and isomers in the heaviest elements at SHIPTRAP - Francesca Giacoppo (GSI)   (Lecture Hall)
3:45 PM Study of non-fusion products in the 50Ti+249Cf - Antonio Di Nitto (Univ. of Naples)   (Lecture Hall)
4:10 PM --- Coffee break ---
4:40 PM
Plenary Session NUSTAR - Christoph Düllmann (until 5:55 PM) (Lecture Hall)
4:40 PM Towards spectroscopy of very heavy elements at S3 - Barbara Sulignano (CEA Saclay)   (Lecture Hall)
5:05 PM Recent results with FIONA - Jacklyn Gates (LBNL)   (Lecture Hall)
5:30 PM Density and shell-effects in superheavy nuclei - Bastian Schütrumpf (GSI)   (Lecture Hall)