2:00 PM
Johan Messchendorp
2:05 PM
GEM tracking
Radek Karabowicz
2:25 PM
STT pattern recognition
Gianluigi Boca
2:55 PM
Design studies for the forward tracker
Ola Wronska
3:15 PM
Event deconvolution in the TPC
Christian Hoeppner
3:40 PM
Improvement of UrQMD event generator for pbar-p and pbar-A interactions
Aida Galoyan, Vladimir Uzhinsky
4:00 PM
--- break ---
4:30 PM
Progress report of the PANDA TPC simulations
Felix Boehmer
5:00 PM
Particle reconstruction with MVD+STT
Roman Dzhygadlo
5:20 PM
Dipole map implementation in PandaRoot
Tsito Randriamalala
5:40 PM
PID using MVA
Vannirajan Suyam Jothi
6:05 PM
MPI and its applications
Johan Messchendorp