Hadron Physics III
- Frank Maas (GSI)
Sören Lange
(U Giessen)
16/10/2014, 09:35
For selected examples of open charm and charmonium production, the expected reach of BESIII and Belle II will be compared to the expected reach of Panda. Systematic effects such as background, vertex resolution and fixed target vs. collider mode will be addressed.
Paola Gianotti
(INFN Frascati)
16/10/2014, 10:10
The PANDA experiment is one of the major projects in preparation at the upcoming FAIR facility. It will study interactions between antiprotons and protons or nuclei in the momentum range from 1.5 to 15 GeV/c. The PANDA scientific program will address a wide range of topics, all aiming at improving our understanding of the strong interaction and hadron structure using a general purpose...