Stan Brodsky
The antiproton and heavy ion facilities at FAIR will provide ideal platforms for testing many novel aspects of Quantum Chromodynamics, the fundamental theory of hadron and nuclear physics. These include:
(a) new probes of hadron and nuclear structure;
(b) the breakdown of factorization theorems due to QCD lensing effects;
(c) the nonuniversality of nuclear anti-shadowing;
(d) the hidden-color degrees of freedom of nuclei;
(e) the physics of charm and bottom production at high momentum fraction;
(f) the production and decay of exotic heavy-quark hadrons;
(g) higher-twist reactions such as digluon-initiated quarkonium production;
(h) color transparency and the dynamics of hard exclusive and diffractive reactions.
I will also discuss recent advances in understanding color confinement and the fundamental light-front wavefunctions of hadrons in nonperturbative QCD.
Stan Brodsky