Magdalena Gorska
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
9/10/13, 10:00 AM
Pieter Doornenbal
9/10/13, 10:10 AM
Anna Corsi
(CEA Saclay)
9/10/13, 10:50 AM
MINOS (acronym for MagIc Numbers Off Stability) is a device dedicated to perform in-flight gamma spectroscopy of very exotic nuclei in knockout reactions. It consists of a thick liquid hydrogen target (15-20 cm) surrounded by a TPC acting as a tracking detector. The vertex position is reconstructed from the direction of the emitted protons and the beam. In this way one can profit of the...
Susumu Shimoura
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
9/10/13, 11:20 AM
Hubert Grawe
9/10/13, 1:30 PM
Nori Aoi
9/10/13, 2:00 PM
Andrea Jungclaus
9/10/13, 2:30 PM
Bo Cederwall
(Royal Institute of Technology (KTH))
9/10/13, 2:50 PM
Zhong Liu
(Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)
9/10/13, 3:10 PM
Plamen Boutachkov
(TU Darmstadt)
9/10/13, 4:00 PM
In 2012, Coulomb excitation and secondary fragmentation experiments using radioactive ion beams at relativistic energies have been performed for the first time with the new PreSPEC-AGATA setup.
PreSPEC-AGATA is a unique combination of the FRagment Separator(FRS), used for providing and selecting specific radioactive ion beams, the Lund-York-Cologne CAlorimeter (LYCCA), which discriminates...
Andrea Gottardo
(Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)
9/10/13, 4:30 PM
The study of neutron-rich Ni isotopes, towards 78Ni, is one of the main topics in nuclear physics with exotic beams. In fact, the persistency of the N=50 shell gap far from stability is still an open question with many profound implications on the study of the nuclear structure. The availability of radioactive beams has provided the opportunity to study such neutron-rich Ni isotopes with the...
Magdalena Gorska
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI)),
Pieter Doornenbal
9/10/13, 5:10 PM
Tohru Motobayashi
(RIKEN Nishina Center)
9/11/13, 10:30 AM
Jenny Lee
9/11/13, 11:00 AM
Tayfun Huyuk
(IFIC - Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular)
9/11/13, 11:20 AM
This letter of intent is aiming to investigate the collective nature of low lying Octupole states, in the region of the N=Z 112Ba, by measuring the octupole deformation and the neutron and proton contribution to the octupole excitation by means of the isovector (p,p’) and isoscalar (d,d’) reactions, in inverse-kinematics, of secondary BigRIPS beams in the target position of the DALI2 -...
Tuomas Grahn
(University of Jyväskylä)
9/11/13, 11:40 AM
The present proposal aims to exploit the unique capabilities of BigRIPS in delivering Pb beams from 238U fragments at RIKEN. Coulomb excitation studies of fast radioactive beams will be extended to very neutron-deficient Pb nuclei and to excited states inaccessible with other methods. The measurements of B(E2) values to the 2+ states in the even-mass 184-188Pb nuclei in Coulomb excitation...
Megumi Niikura
(University of Tokyo)
9/11/13, 1:30 PM
We will propose an experiment to investigate proton shell evolution towards 78Ni by means of in-beam gamma-ray spectroscopy with MINOS at RIBF. The goal of the experiment is to characterize a proton f7/2 hole states in the Cu isotopes populated by one-proton knockout reaction: (p,2p). This will allow us to understand a migration of shell structure induced by the tensor part of the...
Zsolt Podolyak
(University of Surrey)
9/11/13, 1:50 PM
Nuclei with two-proton and two-neutron holes and particles will be studied in order to get a better understanding of the proton-neutron interactions. The nuclei and properties aimed at include: (i) around 56Ni: 56Zn (2+ energy), 58,60Zn (B(E2) transition strength), and (ii) 82Zn (2+ energy and possibly B(E2), 80Zn (B(E2)) and possibly 74Fe.
The nuclei around 56Ni and 78Ni will be populated...
Volker Werner
(Yale University)
9/11/13, 2:10 PM
Magdalena Gorska
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI)),
Pieter Doornenbal
9/11/13, 2:30 PM