Open Symposium: Deciphering many-body dynamics in mesoscopic quantum gases

Montag, 18. März 2024 - 14:00
Physikalisches Institut (Goldbox, Im Neuenheimer Feld 226, 69120 Heidelberg)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
Public symposium (until 16:00) (Goldbox)
14:00 Motivation of RRTF - Selim Jochim (Heidelberg University)   (Goldbox)
14:10 2D Few Fermion experiment - Sandra Branstetter (Heidelberg University)   (Goldbox)
14:30 Few-body theory for ultracold atoms - Stephanie Reimann (Lund University)   (Goldbox)
15:00 Collective phenomena with ultracold atoms - Georg Bruun (Aarhus University)   (Goldbox)
15:30 What is the small system question in high-energy collisions? - Alice Ohlson (Lund University)   (Goldbox)
16:00 --- Coffee break ---
Public symposium (until 17:50) (Goldbox)
16:30 Quantum dynamics in mesoscopic Fermi gases with SU(N) symmetric interactions and orbital degrees of freedom - Francesco Scazza (Trieste University)   (Goldbox)
16:50 Ultracold ^6Li-^53Cr: from resonantly-interacting fermions to paramagnetic bosonic molecules - Matteo Zaccanti (Florence University)   (Goldbox)
17:10 Controlling and measuring dissipation at the atomic scale - Joseph Thywissen (Toronto University)   (Goldbox)
17:30 Quantum dynamics and hydrodynamics in uniform Fermi gases - Nir Navon (Yale University)   (Goldbox)