23.–27. Sept. 2024
Hotel Medena
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone
Workshop for young scientists with research interests focused on physics at FAIR

Investigating Proton-Proton Elastic Scattering with the Upgraded HADES Spectrometer

25.09.2024, 11:05
Hotel Medena

Hotel Medena

Donji Seget, Croatia


Gabriela Perez Andrade (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))


An experiment focused on hyperon production was carried out in 2022 with the upgraded HADES spectrometer. The upgrade includes a new Forward Detector system (FD) consisting of two PANDA-type Straw Tracking Stations, and an RPC. The measurements were performed with a T = 4.5 GeV proton beam impinging onto a LH$_{2}$ target.
Proton-proton elastic scattering events were selected based on kinematic observables, and demanding that one proton was detected in the FD ($\theta_{FD} <$ 6$^{\circ}$), and the other proton was measured in the main HADES acceptance (70$^{\circ}<\theta_{H}<$79$^{\circ}$). The number of elastic events, corrected for acceptance and reconstruction efficiency, determines the time-integrated luminosity recorded during this experiment. The measured differential cross-section $d\sigma$ as a function of the square of the 4-momentum transfer $t$ is well described by a function of the form $d\sigma/dt$ = $ Ae^{-B|t|}$, from which the optical point $A = d\sigma/dt\big|_{t=0}$ and the nuclear slope parameter $B$ are obtained. In this talk, the proton-proton elastic scattering event selection will be explained, and preliminary results of $A$ and $B$ will be presented and compared with existing data from other experiments.


Gabriela Perez Andrade (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
