23.–27. Sept. 2024
Hotel Medena
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone
Workshop for young scientists with research interests focused on physics at FAIR




All participants are expected to publish contributions.

The proceedings of the Workshop will be published in Proceedings of Science (http://pos.sissa.it), the open access online journal organised by SISSA, the International School for Advanced Studies based in Trieste. The proceedings will be peer-reviewed. The Local Organising Committee will oversee refereeing process. All papers published in PoS are fully citable and upon publication will be free to download.

The procedure for submission and the required style-file is described on http://pos.sissa.it/POSauthors.html. For each contribution a paper should be prepared with a maximum length of six pages (title is included)Authors will receive login information from the workshop organisers.

Once your contribution has been submitted and/or accepted for publication you can still modify it by clicking on the 'request' button on your author article page to request an update. No updates will be possible after publication of the Conference page.


The submission deadline is January 15th, 2025.


Deadline extended to March 1st, 2025.