Mar 28 – 29, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

Welcome to the 2023 European Cryogenics Days!

The Cryogenics Society of Europe (CSE) and GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH (GSI) invite you to attend the 2023 European Cryogenics Days from 28 to 29 March 2023 in Darmstadt, Germany. The event will co-sponsored by HEPTech.

The General Meeting of the CSE will be held immediately prior to the ECD in the same venue.

Beside the talks posters are welcome, every attendee is encouraged to submit abstracts for a poster session. The posters will be integrated into the industrial exhibition.



- Cryogenics for large scale applications

- Cryogenics for FAIR

- Hydrogen

- superconductor applications


COVID-19 disclaimer and information

A slightly different set of rules, which depend on the country your trip starts from, apply for trips to Germany. Please check the website of the German Federal Foreign Office here for rules and restrictions when entering Germany from abroad. An interesting Map with an overview that can be customized according to your location is available here.


