Nov 3 – 4, 2011
Europe/Berlin timezone

Studies of an improved addback algorithm for the Crystal Ball

Nov 3, 2011, 2:30 PM
Theory seminar room (SB3.3.170a) (Universe)

Theory seminar room (SB3.3.170a)



Mr Guillermo Ribeiro (CSIC-IEM)


The current algorithms, to perform the addback summation of the gamma interaction depositing energy in several stages and in several adjacent crystals, search for clusters of energy in crystals, using the one found with most energy to make the Doppler correction. The present work aim is to first study and obtain the gamma distribution within the crystal ball. In continuation an improved algorithm for the addback will be developed, utilizing weights to the Doppler correction depending upon the different energies deposit in each crystal.

Primary author

Mr Guillermo Ribeiro (CSIC-IEM)


Dr Håkan Johansson (Chalmers Univerisity) Olof Tengblad (CSIC-IEM) Prof. Thomas Nilsson (Chalmers Univeristy)

Presentation materials