Nov 3 – 4, 2011
Europe/Berlin timezone
The goal of this workshop is to provide an overview of the analysis of the s393 experiment to all members of the collaboration. The first part will deal exclusively with s393-related issues, mainly with the calibration of the various subsystems in use, as well as with more strategic topics related to the physics cases. The second part of this workshop will be dedicated to land02, where the technical aspects of the experiment analysis will be discussed. Special emphasis will be put on the more recent developments of the framework, as well as of its peripheral tools, since the last land02 workshop in 2009.
Theory seminar room (SB3.3.170a)
Important deadlines:
  • Abstract submission deadline: 02.10.2011
  • Registration deadline: 31.10.2011
  • 07.11.2011: The workshop contributions have been uploaded to the timetable entries. You can access the documents by logging into your Indico account or using the LAND password.
  • 01.11.2011: Program for 04.11.2011 updated
  • 25.10.2011: Preliminary timetable for 04.11.2011 created
  • 23.10.2011: Program for 03.11.2011 updated
  • 23.10.2011: Talk length for 03.11.2011 is 20 minutes, excluding discussion
  • If you wish to have your contribution removed, please use the "support" link.