Toshiyuki Sumikama
(Tokyo Unviversity of Science)
12.09.11, 09:40
Robert Wadsworth
(University of York)
12.09.11, 10:45
Recent work at GSI has enabled us to obtain evidence for the 16+ spin-gap isomer
in 96Cd via its beta decay to the 15+ isomeric state in 96Cd. However, large scale
shell model calculations using the gds model space indicate that the state should also undergo
beta-delayed proton decay. Our previous data did not have sufficient statistics to enable us to
search for such decays. It is...
Berta Rubio
(University of Valencia)
12.09.11, 11:00
We have studied the Tz = -1 -> 0 beta decays of 42Ti, 46Cr, 50Fe and 54Ni to the self-conjugate nuclei 42Sc, 46V, 50Mn, and 54Co respectively (Ph.D Thesis, Francisco Molina- Uni. Valencia) at GSI during the stopped beam RISING campaign. The nuclei of interest were produced in the fragmentation of a 58Ni beam at 680 MeV/nucleon. The number of implanted ions of the nucleus of interest was...
Andres Gadea
(IFIC, CSIC-University of Valencia)
12.09.11, 11:15
It is well known that in the atomic nucleus, alike nucleons (neutrons or protons) in time reverse orbits, couple in pairs giving rise to nuclear superfluidity, with very significant impact in the structure as well as in the collective properties of the nucleus. In addition, nuclei consist of a combination of two fermionic fluids (neutrons and protons) and as a consequence of the isospin (T)...
Dora Sohler
(Institute of Nuclar research (ATOMKI))
12.09.11, 11:30
An experiment based on gamma-decay of isomer state in neutron-rich 77Ni produced from fragmentation of a 238U beam is proposed in order to reveal the neutron single particle energies associated with the N=40 and N=50 shell closures. Based on the lifetime of the 1/2- isomeric state in 77Ni an estimate or at least a lower limit on the energy of the 2+ state in 78Ni can be deduced. Energy and...
Volker Werner
(Yale University)
12.09.11, 13:00
Recent data on Ge and Se isotopes above the N=50 shell closure has led to the discussion of a weakening of the Z=28 proton shell, based on relatively low first excited 2+ energies in the N=52 Ge and Se isotones. Further discussion relates to the possible emergence of a new neutron sub-shell closure at N=58, based on the evolution of single particle energies in N=51 isotones. Both effects would...
Giovanna Benzoni
Oliver Wieland
12.09.11, 13:30
In the region of the neutron rich iron isotopes, around the r-process starting point, only few spectroscopic information is available. We aim to determine life times, beta and isomeric decays and built first level schemes in 70-72Fe and around. We plan to use the unique combination of the high beam intensities available at RIKEN together with BigRIPS-ZeroDegree spectrometer and the EURICA and...
Giacomo de Angelis
(INFN Legnaro)
12.09.11, 13:45
Alison Bruce
(University of Brighton)
12.09.11, 14:30
Neutron-rich zirconium (Z=40) nuclei lie in the midst of a shape-changing region with many models predicting a transition from spherical to prolate/oblate coexistence at N~60. Measurements of the mean-square charge radii in the zirconium chain [Ca02] indicate a shape transition at N=59. In order to further investigate the low-lying structure of more-exotic systems, an experiment was...
Toshiyuki Sumikama
(Tokyo University of Science)
12.09.11, 15:15
Symmetry of tetrahedral shape generates a different degeneracy in single particle levels from the quadrupole deformed shape. The stability of the tetrahedral shape is not established in the atomic nuclei. Neutron-rich nucleus 110Zr, which has the doubly magic numbers of tetrahedral shape, Z = 40 and N = 70, is one of the candidates to search for the tetrahedral shape. Recently, we discovered...
Stefan Lalkovski
(University of Sofia)
12.09.11, 15:45
The r-process overabundance in the mass region A~120
has been a subject of considerable scientific interest in the
last decade. Different nuclear physics phenomena such as
shell-quenching and "unreasonably" long beta-decay
half-lives were discussed as possible reasons for the
observed discrepancy.
Long-lived activities are known to exist throughout a number of
odd-Z, even-N and...
Gary Simpson
(LPSC Grenoble)
12.09.11, 16:00
Eiji Ideguchi
(CNS, University of Tokyo)
12.09.11, 16:15
Experiments to study excited levels in neutron-rich Z~60 isotopes through isomer spectroscopy will be discussed.
Patrick Regan
(University of Surrey)
12.09.11, 16:30
Patrick Regan
(University of Surrey)
12.09.11, 16:45
Pieter Doornenbal
12.09.11, 17:00