12:45 PM
Structural evolution of nuclei along the r-process path around A=100
Adam Garnsworthy
1:00 PM
Role of the neutron d5/2 sub-shell in the evolution of Ge and Se isotopes
Volker Werner
(Yale University)
1:15 PM
Study of the N=34 subshell gap
Jose Javier Valiente-Dobon
1:30 PM
Spectroscopic and isomeric study of very neutron rich Iron isotopes
Giovanna Benzoni
Oliver Wieland
1:45 PM
Study of 74Ni through beta decay of 74Co
Giacomo de Angelis
(INFN Legnaro)
2:00 PM
Decay Spectroscopy in the vicinity of 78Ni
Shunji Nishimura
2:15 PM
Neutron monopole drift towards 78Ni investigated by γ-spectroscopy following 81Cu β-decay
Megumi Niikura
(IPN Orsay)
2:30 PM
Non-yrast structure of neutron-rich Zr nuclei
Alison Bruce
(University of Brighton)