12 September 2011
GSI Conference Hall
GMT timezone

Isomer states in neutorn-rich 73,75,77Ni

12 Sep 2011, 11:30
GSI Conference Hall

GSI Conference Hall

Planckstr. 1 64291 Darmstadt


Dora Sohler (Institute of Nuclar research (ATOMKI))


An experiment based on gamma-decay of isomer state in neutron-rich 77Ni produced from fragmentation of a 238U beam is proposed in order to reveal the neutron single particle energies associated with the N=40 and N=50 shell closures. Based on the lifetime of the 1/2- isomeric state in 77Ni an estimate or at least a lower limit on the energy of the 2+ state in 78Ni can be deduced. Energy and life time of the 1/2- state in lighter 73,75Ni isotopes, which can be measured simultaneously, is needed to reveal the structure of these nuclei from gamma spectroscopy.

Primary author

Dora Sohler (Institute of Nuclar research (ATOMKI))

Presentation Materials