Vorsitzende der Sitzung
The Intriguing 229Th Isomer
- Klaus Blaum (Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik)
The common microscopic origin of nuclear metastability manifesting
in the wide energy range from the mega electronvolt excitations of
K-isomers in even-even nuclei to the exceptionally low-energy
excitation of several electronvolts in the $^{229m}$Th "clock"
isomer will be discussed. It will be shown in terms of relatively
simple nuclear-structure models that the very fine...
Today’s most precise time and frequency measurements are performed with optical atomic clocks. However, it has been proposed that they could potentially be outper-formed by a nuclear clock, which employs a nuclear transition instead of an atomic shell transition. There is only one known nuclear state that could serve as a nuclear clock us-ing currently available technology, namely the isomeric...