2-4 May 2022
Harnack-Haus & Zoom
Europe/Berlin timezone

Nuclear isomers in medicine

4 May 2022, 13:00
Hahn-Hörsaal & 640 2973 0764 (Harnack-Haus & Zoom)

Hahn-Hörsaal & 640 2973 0764

Harnack-Haus & Zoom

Ihnestrasse 16-20 14195 Berlin-Dahlem Germany


Ulli Köster (Institut Laue-Langevin)


In terms of societal applications the nuclear isomer Tc-99m is most famous with about 30 million diagnostic procedures performed per year with Tc-99m radiopharmaceuticals. However, there are also less famous isomers with applications in nuclear medicine as well as infamous isomers that should be avoided as radionuclidic impurity. A review will be given on past, present and future of nuclear isomers used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes in nuclear medicine.

Primary author

Ulli Köster (Institut Laue-Langevin)

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