25.–27. Nov. 2019
Europe/Helsinki Zeitzone

Invited Speakers

We are happy to confirm the following speakers

Applications in Medicine

  • Marco Durante (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt)
    Progress in particle therapy: have we reached the limit?
  • Ulli Koester (Institut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble)
    Radionuclides for medicine
  • Pablo Cirrone (INFN, Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania)
    Hadron therapy: from the conventional approach to the potential use of laser-
    accelerated beams

  • Marco Schippers (PSI, Villigen)
    Improvements of particle therapy using nuclear science and technology

Applications in Heritage Science

  • Luca Pezzati (CNR, Florence)
    E-RIHS. The European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science: State of play and perspectives
  • Bum Soo Han (IAEA, Vienna)
    Preservation of cultural heritage by radiation and the role of IAEA

Applications in Nuclear Safety, Security and Safeguards

  • Kai Vetter (University of California Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
    Visualizing radiation in 3D and in real-time for nuclear safety and security
  • Isabella Maschio (European Commission - Joint Research Center, Ispra)
    Spent fuel containers: too well shielded!

Collaboration with and the Needs of Industry

  • Shavkat Akhmadaliev (HZDR and HZDR Innovation GmbH, Dresden-Rossendorf)
    Commercial applications of research institute Tandem accelerators: the Rossendorf example
  • Olli Salmi (EIT RawMaterials Baltic Sea Innovation Hub, Espoo)
    Innovation through science-industry collaboration: the EIT model