2 March 2010
seminar room atomic physics
Europe/Berlin timezone



2 Mar 2010, 13:30
SB3 2.283 (seminar room atomic physics)

SB3 2.283

seminar room atomic physics



1330: Welcome and Overview - Phil Walker (University of Surrey)
1345: ILIMA Project Status - Helmut Weick (GSI)
1415: Schottky Pickups - Fritz Nolden (GSI)
1435: Time-of-flight Detectors - Wolfgang Plass (University of Giessen)
1455: refreshments
1515: “Astrophysics r-process calculations and Th/U chronometer”
Jie Meng (Peking University)

1600: ESR experiments
Helmut Weick (GSI)

1630: “Investigation into Hf and Ta long-lived isomers”
Matt Reed (University of Surrey)

1645: “Direct measurement of the 4.6 MeV isomer in stored bare 133Sb ions”
Baohua Sun (GSI)

1700: “Recent results on the two-body beta-decay studies at GSI”
Nicolas Winckler (GSI)

1715: close

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