11.–13. Feb. 2019
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone


The meeting will take place on the GSI campus in Darmstadt, Germany. There are several possibilities for accommodation, including the GSI guest house (limited rooms are available).

We recommend the hotels listed below. They are close to GSI and a bus service exists (every 30 minutes), which stops directly at GSI. Here is the bus schedule from S3 train station in Wixhausen (Bahnhof Wixhausen) to GSI and Arheilgen to GSI (Arheilgen-Dreieichweg).

  • GSI Lodging possibilities
    Google maps
    Tel. +49-6159-71-2625
    Price: ~ 35 Euro/night; no breakfast included (offered in the GSI cantine)

  • Hotel "Weißer Schwan"
    Frankfurter Landstraße 190
    64291 Darmstadt-Arheilgen
    Tel. +49 6151 371702
    For booking use website or email. Please make sure to mention "GSI" and  during your booking to get a lower rate (~ 70 Euro/night including breakfast).
    Bus station to GSI is close (10 minutes bus ride to GSI).

  • Hotel "San Remo"
    Messeler Str. 7
    64291 Darmstadt-Arheilgen
    Tel. +49 6151 374224
    For booking use email. Please make sure to mention GSI during your booking to get a lower rate (~ 50 Euro/night including breakfast).
    Bus station to GSI is close (10 minutes bus ride to GSI).

  • Hotel "Arheilger Hof"
    Guerickeweg 16
    64291 Darmstadt-Arheilgen
    Tel. +49 6151 93480
    For booking use email or contact through website. Please make sure to mention GSI during your booking to get a lower rate (~ 50 - 60 Euro/night including breakfast).
    GSI can be reached using a bus or train/bus (roughly 20 minutes walk + 10 minutes bus).