NUSTAR Week 2015

from Sunday, September 27, 2015 (4:00 PM) to Thursday, October 1, 2015 (5:00 PM)
Warsaw (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
Sep 27, 2015
Sep 28, 2015
Sep 29, 2015
Sep 30, 2015
Oct 1, 2015
9:15 AM
Plenary 1 - Marek Pfutzner (until 10:30 AM) (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
9:15 AM Welcome   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
9:30 AM FAIR Status - Inti Lehmann (FAIR)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
10:00 AM NUSTAR Status - Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki (KVI-CART / Univ. Groningen)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
10:30 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
Plenary 2 - Muhsin Harakeh (until 1:00 PM) (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
11:00 AM From RISING to NUSTAR - Piotr Bednarczyk (INP Kraków)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
11:30 AM Project PARIS - Adam Maj (INP Kraków)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
12:00 PM Atomic mass measurements - Zygmunt Patyk (NCNR Warsaw)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
12:30 PM Gamma spectroscopy at Warsaw cyclotron - Julian Srebrny (HIL Warsaw)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
9:00 AM
Plenary 5 - Adam Maj (until 10:30 AM) (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
9:00 AM Modifications of a clinical LINAC for use in nuclear physics research - Haris Dapo (Akdeniz University)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
9:30 AM Studies of proton-unbound nuclei by tracking products of their decays in-flight - Ivan Mukha (GSI)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
10:00 AM Prospects for storage ring experiments at FAIR/NUSTAR - Helmut Weick (GSI)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
10:30 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
Plenary 6 - Ari Jokinen (until 1:00 PM) (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
11:00 AM Status of the R³B Experiment - from prototypes to final systems - Haik Simon (GSI)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
11:30 AM SOFIA @ R3B - Recent results and day-1 plans - Julien Taieb (CEA Bruyeres le chatel)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
12:00 PM Results from tensor-force experiments at RCNP and GSI - Hooi Jin Ong (RCNP, Osaka University)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
12:30 PM Search for η′ mesic nuclei in GSI/FAIR - Kenta Itahashi (RIKEN)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
9:00 AM
HISPEC/DESPEC meeting - Zsolt Podolyak (until 10:30 AM) (CENT I - Room 00.142)
Draft agenda
9:00 AM
MATS/LaSpec meeting - Wilfried Nörtershäuser (TU Darmstadt) Michael Block (HIM / GSI) (until 10:30 AM) (HIL - Room A)
10:30 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
LEB meeting - Jürgen Gerl (GSI) (until 1:00 PM) (CENT I - Room 00.142)
11:00 AM
Simulation WG meeting - Marc Labiche (STFC Daresbury) (until 1:00 PM) (CENT I - Room 01.130)
9:00 AM
DEGAS WG - Jürgen Gerl (GSI) (until 10:30 AM) (CENT I - Room 00.142)
9:00 AM
Neutron Detector WG - Daniel Cano Ott (CIEMAT) (until 10:30 AM) (HIL - Room A)
9:00 AM
Super-FRS Experiments - Isao Tanihata (until 10:30 AM) (CENT I - Room 01.130)
10:30 AM --- Coffee break ---
11:00 AM
DEGAS WG - Jürgen Gerl (GSI) (until 1:00 PM) (CENT I - Room 00.142)
11:00 AM
Super-FRS Experiments - Isao Tanihata (until 1:00 PM) (CENT I - Room 01.130)
7:00 PM
Welcome reception (until 9:00 PM) (University of Warsaw, Faculty of Physics)
1:00 PM --- Lunch ---
2:30 PM
Plenary 3 - Alison Bruce (until 4:00 PM) (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
2:30 PM Nuclear theory in Warsaw - Wojciech Satuła (University of Warsaw)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
3:00 PM Studies of exotic decays with the Optical TPC - Zenon Janas (University of Warsaw)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
3:30 PM Cyclotron Center Bronowice in Krakow - a new facility for proton therapy and basic research - Bogdan Fornal (INP Kraków)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
4:00 PM --- Coffee break ---
4:30 PM
Plenary 4 - Hans Geissel (until 6:30 PM) (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
4:30 PM Super-FRS Status - Martin Winkler (GSI)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
5:00 PM Polish contribution to FAIR cryogenics - Maciej Chorowski (Wroclaw University of Technology)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
5:30 PM Cryogenics for the Super-FRS: Status and Perspective - Felix Wamers (GSI)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
6:00 PM Recent in-beam Super-FRS detector tests - Chiara Nociforo (GSI)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
6:30 PM
NUSTAR Technical Board - Jürgen Gerl (GSI) (until 8:00 PM) (Faculty of Physics - Room 1.22)
1:00 PM --- Lunch ---
1:00 PM
NUSTAR BR - Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki (KVI-CART / Univ. Groningen) (until 2:30 PM) (Faculty of Physics - Room 2.62)
2:30 PM
Plenary 7 - Michael Block (until 4:00 PM) (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
2:30 PM Nuclear moments of Mn and the first application of optical pumping in the ISCOOL RFQ - Hanne Heylen (KU Leuven)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
3:00 PM Status of the TRAPSENSOR project - Daniel Rodriguez (Universidad de Granada)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
3:30 PM First Ionization Potential Measurement of Heaviest Actinides, Lawrencium and Nobelium - Tetsuya Sato (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
4:00 PM --- Coffee break ---
4:30 PM
Plenary 8 - Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki (until 6:00 PM) (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
4:30 PM First measurement of β-decay half-lives and neutron emission probabilities in several isotopes beyond N = 126 with the BELEN detector - Francisco Calvino (UPC Barcelona)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
5:00 PM Relativistic M1-Coulomb excitation of 85Br - Christian Stahl (TU Darmstadt)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
5:30 PM In-flight and decay spectroscopy at RIKEN - Pär-Anders Söderström (RIKEN)   (Faculty of Physics - Room 0.03 (auditorium))
6:00 PM
HIL visit (until 7:30 PM) (University of Warsaw, HIL)
6:15 PM
NUSTAR Collaboration Committee - Nasser Kalantar-Nayestanaki (KVI-CART / Univ. Groningen) (until 7:45 PM) (Faculty of Physis - Room 1.22)
8:00 PM
Conference Dinner (until 10:00 PM) (Canteen of the Faculty of Biology)
1:00 PM --- Lunch ---
2:30 PM
HISPEC/DESPEC meeting - Zsolt Podolyak (until 4:00 PM) (CENT I - Room 00.142)
2:30 PM
Super-FRS Experiments - Isao Tanihata (until 4:00 PM) (CENT I - Room 01.130)
4:00 PM --- Coffee break ---
4:30 PM
HISPEC/DESPEC meeting - Zsolt Podolyak (until 6:00 PM) (CENT I - Room 00.142)
4:30 PM
Super-FRS Experiments - Isao Tanihata (until 6:00 PM) (CENT I - Room 01.130)
6:00 PM
NUSTAR Resource Board - Alexander Herlert (FAIR) (until 7:30 PM) (Faculty of Physics - Room 1.22)
6:00 PM
NUSTAR finger detectors - Liliana Cortes (GSI) (until 7:30 PM) (CENT I - Room 00.142)
1:00 PM --- Lunch ---
2:30 PM
Super-FRS Experiments - Isao Tanihata (until 5:00 PM) (CENT I - Room 01.130)