13-17 October 2014
Das Wormser
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Micro Vertex Detector project in the PANDA experiment

Not scheduled
Mozartsaal (Das Wormser)


Das Wormser

Das Wormser, Rathenaustraße 11, 67547 Worms, ‎ Tel: 06241/2000420


Daniela Calvo (Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (INFN-Torino))


The fixed target experiment PANDA will use cooled antiproton beams of unprecedented quality that will be available at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt. PANDA includes the Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) [1], as innermost tracker, and in particular it will allow the secondary vertices of short-lived particles to be detected. Due to the forward boost of the particles produced by antiprotons with momenta up to 15 GeV/c the MVD layout is asymmetric with four barrels surrounding the interaction point and six disks in the forward direction. The inner layers are composed of hybrid epitaxial silicon pixels and the outer ones of double sided silicon strips, with about 10.3^6 pixels and 162x10^3 strips channels. PANDA features a triggerless architecture, therefore the MVD has to run with a continuous data transmission at a high interaction rate (about 10^7 interactions/s) with hits which will have precise timestamps (the experiment clock is 160 MHz). In addition, the energy loss of the particles in the sensor will be measured as well. To cope with these requirements, custom readout chips are under development for both hybrid pixel (ToPix in 130 nm CMOS technology) and double sided silicon strip (PASTA in 110 nm CMOS technology) devices. The powering and cooling of the readout are challenging since the MVD volume is limited by the surrounding detectors. The MVD will work at room temperature to simplify the layout which foresees the routing of cables and cooling pipes and the services in the backward region only. The simulations show that the main component affecting the material budget of this detector is the cabling [1]. The present MVD layout foresees aluminum interconnections instead of copper in the active volume. The support structures are made of carbon fibers and highly thermal conductive carbon foam with embedded cooling pipes underneath the readout chips. The use of carbon paper to increase the cooling efficiency and decrease the material budget is under study. The design of the MVD is in an advanced stage. Detector prototypes have been built and tested to validate the design of each components and the triggerless readout. The MVD technological aspects will be reported in this talk. [1] PANDA Collaboration, Technical Design report for the PANDA Micro Vertex Detector, arXiv:1207.6581 v2, 2011

Primary author

Daniela Calvo (Instituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN) (INFN-Torino))

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