Michal Koziel
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt(UFfm-IKP))
The Compressed Baryonic Matter Experiment (CBM) is one of the core experiments of the future FAIR facility at Darmstadt/Germany. The fixed-target experiment will explore the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter in the regime of highest net baryon densities with numerous probes, among them open charm. Open charm reconstruction requires a vacuum compatible Micro Vertex Detector (MVD) with unprecedented properties. Its sensor technology has to feature a spatial resolution of <5μm, a non-ionizing radiation tolerance of >1013 neq/cm², an ionizing radiation tolerance of 3 Mrad and a readout time of few 10 μs/frame. Thinned Monolithic Active Pixels Sensors, developed at IPHC Strasbourg, are promising candidates, if integrated in an ultra-thin detector, employing high-performance materials such as thermal CVD-Diamond. After the prototyping phase, we focused on finalizing the MVD layout and studying its performance. We are also progressing with an upgrade of the read-out chain and addressing the pre-integrations activities. The above mentioned activities are the subject of this contribution.
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Michal Koziel
(Goethe-Universität Frankfurt(UFfm-IKP))