On Friday afternoon there are 4 possible excursions planed and you can choose one to join:
TOUR 1: GSI / FAIR tour (Shuttle starts at 2 pm)
Your chance to visit the campus of GSI, one of the largest accelerator facilities in Germany, with a full chain of ion accelerators and experimental setups and the construction side for the new FAIR facility. There will be a direct bus transfer from the conference hotel to GSI (~45 minutes).
(Picture: D. Fehrenz, GSI/FAIR)
Starting point: Shuttle bus at 2 pm in front of main entrance
TOUR 2: Visit to Weinheim (Shuttle starts at 2 pm)
Welcome to Weinheim - The Town of Two Castles on the Bergstrasse: Stroll through the picturesque alleys of the historic old town, enjoy a coffee in one of the restaurants on the market square or climb the path to the castles and experience the breathtaking view of the Rhine valley. There will be a direct bus transfer from the conference hotel to Weinheim (~30 minutes) and a guide will take you on a trip through this beautiful city.
(Picture: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Weinheim05c.jpg, Author: Wisohr at wikivoyage shared, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons)
Starting point: Shuttle bus at 2 pm in front of main entrance
TOUR 3: Castle Tour (Start at 1:30 pm in front of main entrance)
There are some beautiful castles and ruins right around the conference hotel - the chance for a hike. We will start directly at the conference hotel, make a nice tour trough the Odenwald and there is also time to enjoy a coffee in one of the restaurants along the way.
(Picture: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:InnerCastle.jpg, Author: Pascal Rehfeldt, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons)
Starting point: Meet at 1:30 pm in front of main entrance
TOUR 4: E-Bike Tour (Start at 1:30 pm in front of main entrance)
The forest trails around the conference hotel with breathtaking views of the Rhine valley are optimal starting points for a tour on e-bikes. There will be rental bikes provided for you and a guide will accompany you safely.
(Picture: https://www.flickr.com/photos/pedalritterinnen/14533679146/in/photostream/, Author: Enrico Radaelli - PedalritterInnen.at, CC BY 2.0 )
Starting point: Meet at 1:30 pm in front of main entrance