23.–27. Sept. 2024
Hotel Medena
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone
Workshop for young scientists with research interests focused on physics at FAIR

Partial Wave Analysis for Pion-Induced Resonance Studies in the HADES Experiment

25.09.2024, 09:35
Hotel Medena

Hotel Medena

Donji Seget, Croatia


Ahmed Marwan Abdelrahman Foda (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))


The High Acceptance Di-lepton Spectrometer (HADES) collaboration at GSI employs a pion beam to examine the characteristics of baryonic resonances and their decay channels. This pion-beam facility enables the generation of baryonic resonances at a fixed center of mass energy ($\sqrt{s}$), i.e. in the S-channel. Consequently, these beams possess a significant advantage over proton-induced reactions and are complementary to photo-induced studies conducted elsewhere. Partial Wave Analysis (PWA) techniques are used to study the coupling of the resonances to different final states. HADES has a particular interest in studying the role and medium modification of vector mesons in heavy-ion collisions in baryon-dense matter. Elementary pion-induced studies on the proton combined with a PWA will provide insights into the couplings of baryonic resonances to $\rho N$ and $\omega N$ final states in greater detail will provide insights into the impact of the melting of the $\rho$ meson in heavy ion collisions and the involvement of intermediary vector mesons in dilepton emissions.

In anticipation of conducting a more comprehensive exploration of the resonance regions in pion-proton collisions, a new implementation of the K-Matrix & N/D frameworks is currently under development. This updated implementation aims to offer a refined mapping of these regions. Example fits will be presented showing current status and the potential of the new framework.


Ahmed Marwan Abdelrahman Foda (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
