Sep 18 – 22, 2023
GSI Darmstadt, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

KRAB detector for the ASY-EOS II experiment

Sep 20, 2023, 10:22 AM
Main Lecture Hall (GSI Darmstadt, Germany)

Main Lecture Hall

GSI Darmstadt, Germany

Südbau (SB1), GSI Campus
Poster Investigations at existing and future accelerator facilities and detectors Poster flash talks


Jerzy Łukasik (IFJ PAN)


First results of the tests of the newly constructed KRAB detector will be
presented. The tests have been performed with the Bi source, cosmic rays and
with the proton beams from the CCB cyclotron in Krakow. The detector was
designed to provide fast, multiplicity based trigger for the future ASY-EOS II
experiment as well as the information on the azimuthal distributions of the
reaction products and on the centrality of the collision. The experiment is aimed
to provide new constraints on the stiffness of the nuclear Equation of State
based on the analysis of the neutron and proton flows.

KRAB consists of 736 plastic scintillating fiber segments distributed in 5 rings
and read out by silicon photomultipliers. It was successfully commissioned in
May 2022. The detector is equipped with the helium sleeve enclosing the remotely
controlled target wheel, FPGA based trigger box and CITIROC based front end
electronics. The sleeve is supposed to reduce the background caused by the
delta-electrons. The wheel has 4 target slots.

The detector is fully operational, 100% of channels work. Generation of the
trigger takes about 50 ns. To complete the tests and provide optimal settings
for the electronic channels a heavy ion beam test is needed and is foreseen to
be performed at GSI, Germany or at HIMAC, Japan in the near future.

Primary author


Presentation materials