Sep 18 – 22, 2023
GSI Darmstadt, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

NuSYm23 Conference photo

The event is organized and supported by the GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy-Ion Research GmbH of Darmstadt, Germany. 

The last (in-person) meeting has taken place in 2022 in Catania (Italy). 

The scientific sessions will be held in the Main Lecture Hall of the GSI Campus (SB Building).

The symposium will address experimental and theoretical investigations of the equation-of-state of asymmetric nuclear matter. Such investigations include efforts in nuclear structure, nuclear reactions and heavy-ion collisions, as well as in astrophysical observations of compact stars and associated phenomena (neutron stars and core collapse supernovae, among others). Significant implications of gravitational wave signals, soft X-rays, astro-particle physics and neutrino observations will be discussed.

Students and postdocs are especially encouraged to participate and contribute to the scientific sessions of the symposium.

Registration is already open and will close on August 31, 2023.

The last day of the meeting, September 22, will be devoted to a satellite workshop on transport models, organized by the TMEP (Transport Model Evaluation Project) collaboration, in the tradition of previously organized NuSym editions. 

Further details about this satellite meeting will be available on a dedicated section of this web site.

Topics of the NuSym conference:

  • Nuclear equation-of-state (EoS) and symmetry energy in laboratory experiments, in astrophysical observations, and microscopic theories.
  • Nuclear structure and direct reactions.
  • Heavy-ion collision experiments.
  • Transport model simulations of heavy-ion reactions.
  • Microscopic calculations of neutron-rich, dense nuclear matter.
  • Isospin dependence of nuclear effective interactions.
  • Clustering in isospin-asymmetric nuclear systems.
  • Astrophysical, multi-messenger observations.
  • Theory of compact stars and neutron star mergers.
  • Supernova theory for neutrino emission and nucleosynthesis.
  • Investigations at existing and future accelerator facilities.
  • Detector developments.

The scientific sessions will consist of invited talks and contributed presentations among the submitted abstracts. 

Important dates
Abstract submission deadline                         July 31st, 2023
Registration deadline                                     August 31st, 2023
Notification of abstract acceptance                August 4th, 2023
NuSym23 scientific sessions                          September 18-21st, 2023
Long-range plans round table                        September 22nd, 2023
Transport models satellite workshop              September 22nd, 2023


GSI Darmstadt, Germany
Main Lecture Hall
Südbau (SB1), GSI Campus
Go to map
Application for this event is currently open.