Feb 13 – 17, 2023
Department of Physics and Astronomy "A. Righi", University of Bologna
Europe/Berlin timezone

Instructions for speakers

Preparation of the presentation/slides:

The time assigned in the agenda is the time allocated for the presentation. This time is followed by 10' for discussion.

We strongly recommend to use the .pdf format. 
Also PowerPoint .pptx format will be supported.
Keynote format is NOT supported.

Slide format – Both 4:3 and 16:9 layouts are supported.

Upload of the material

Speakers can upload the slides/presentation on indico (preferred) or upload it on the computer in the room before their session starts with the help of our operators. 

At the workshop venue, the computer of the room will be used to project the slides.
We do not foresee to use personal laptops.