Vorsitzende der Sitzung
Session 8: QED, Precision Traps, Symmetries 1
- Bastian Sikora (MPI Heidelberg)
I will describe the basics of bound-state Quantum Electrodynamics (QED). I will focus on the interaction of a bound particle with an external magnetic field, parametrized by the g-factor. Recent developments in the theory of g-factors in low-Z ions will be described. Some developments in medium-Z and high-Z ions will also be discussed.
In this contribution, we discuss the quantum electrodynamic (QED) theory of strongly bound atomic systems. The ionic g factor can be measured nowadays to high precision with the combination of Penning traps and electron beam ion traps. The collaboration of theory and experiment enables impactful and detailed tests of QED in a strong background field, and a competitive determination of...
In ARTEMIS[1] laser-microwave double-resonance spectroscopy[2] will be used to measure the intrinsic magnetic moments of both electrons and nuclei in heavy, highly charged ions (HCIs). The extreme field strength of the nearby nucleus in such heavy HCIs enhances the effect of bound-state QED and nuclear interactions with the orbiting electron. Figure 1 shows the level scheme for hydrogen-like...