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The ultra-intense X-ray pulses produced by novel free-electron lasers promise
many applications, e.g. for protein structure-determination or time-resolved
molecular spectroscopy. This requires the pulses to be well-characterised in
terms of focal shape, duration and intensity. Providing tools for calibrating
these properties is however a difficult task, leading to various approaches...
We implement a liquid metal ion source\,(LMIS) in a 3D coincidence momentum spectroscopy setup for studying the interaction of ionic targets with intense laser pulses. Laser intensities of up to 4
The influence of relativistic effects on tunnel ionisation of electronic systems was described in detail by theory. For hydrogen-like ions of atomic charge
At present, there are several methods for relativistic calculations of atomic structure and properties, such as multiconfiguration Dirac-Fock, coupled cluster, configuration interaction (CI), many-body perturbation theory (MBPT), their combination, and others. Generally, these approaches can provide accurate and reliable results for atoms and ions with a small number of valence electrons....
An ab initio QED approach to treat a valence-hole excitation in closed shell systems is developed in the framework of the two-time-Green function method. The derivation considers a redefinition of the vacuum state and its excitation as a valence-hole pair. The proper two-time Green function, whose spectral representation confirms the poles at valence-hole excitation energies is proposed. An...
The high-precision measurement of the Zeeman splitting of fine and hyper fine-structure levels can be measured using spectroscopy techniques. The Penning trap ARTEMIS at the HITRAP facility at GSI utilises such a method called Laser-Microwave double-resonance spectroscopy to measure the magnetic moment and to test bound-state QED calculations by the g-factor measurements of heavy,...
ARTEMIS (AsymmetRic Trap for measurement of Electron Magnetic moment in IonS) is a Penning trap-based experiment at HITRAP in GSI, Darmstadt, which is aiming to measure the g-factor of heavy, highly charged ions (such as U91+) as one of the most stringent tests of quantum electrodynamics. These ions in the magnetic and electric fields of the Penning trap demonstrate a distinctive motion that...
The studies on creation of surface nanostructures on metals, semiconductors and insulators are important for development of new technologies for production of microelectronic devices [1]. Structures of nanometric sizes can be created, for example, in collisions of highly charged ions (HCI) with surfaces of various materials. In this case different parameters of the ion beams, irradiated...
The M-X-rays emitted from Rydberg (n~30) hollow atoms (RHA) created in collisions of highly charged Xe