Session 2: Surface Physics 1
- Sonja Bernitt (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
The demand for beamtime at GSI infrastructures like ESR, CRYRING or HITRAP has increased over the last years and cannot be fully covered by the GSI accelerator infrastructure. Local ion sources play an important role to close this gap and allow for ‘offline operation’ of experiments at GSI [1].
Electron Beam Ion Traps (EBITs) are widely known as a versatile tool for spectroscopic studies of...
Slow highly charged ions deposit large amounts of their potential energy within the very first monolayers of a material. Depending on material properties, relaxation processes can also lead to permanent nanosized material modifications, e.g. hillocks and craters on surfaces of bulk samples - often in a similar manner as after swift heavy ion impact.
The type of created defect might vary even...