Session 1: ESR, HITRAP facility, LEBT, EBITs
- Angela Bräuning-Demian (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI))
Deceleration of highly charged ions is a mode for the operation for the ESR storage ring at GSI which is required for various types of experiments. The special requirement for HITRAP is the deceleration down to an energy of 4 MeV/u precisely, which is close to the minimum design value, in combination with fast extraction. The deceleration can start from any injection energy, but for efficient...
HITRAP Decelerator Status
The HITRAP decelerator facility aims to decelerate and cool heavy, highly-charged ions (HCI) like U$^{92+}$ [1]. After creation of the high charge states at relativistic energies, HITRAP decelerates these ions via a consecutive arrangement of linear deceleration stages and a cylindrical Penning trap. Within this so-called cooling trap, the ions can be cooled to low temperatures before they are...