17.–20. Juli 2022
Haus Hainstein Eisenach
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone
HITRAP Workshop 2022

QED approach of valence-hole excitations in closed shell systems

18.07.2022, 16:35
1 h 25m
Luthersaal (Haus Hainstein Eisenach)


Haus Hainstein Eisenach

Am Hainstein 16 99817 Eisenach
Poster Session 4


Romain Soguel (Helmholtz Institute Jena)


An ab initio QED approach to treat a valence-hole excitation in closed shell systems is developed in the framework of the two-time-Green function method. The derivation considers a redefinition of the vacuum state and its excitation as a valence-hole pair. The proper two-time Green function, whose spectral representation confirms the poles at valence-hole excitation energies is proposed. An contour integral formula which connects the energy corrections and the Green function is also presented. First-order corrections to the valence-hole excitation energy involving self-energy, vacuum polarization, and one-photon-exchange terms are explicitly derived in the redefined vacuum picture. Reduction to the usual vacuum electron propagators is given that agrees in the Breit approximation with the many-body perturbation theory expressions for the valence-hole excitation energy.


Romain Soguel (Helmholtz Institute Jena)


Andrey Volotka (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI)) Prof. Stephan Fritzsche (Helmholtz Institut Jena)


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