Beam Profilometry with Crystalline Silicon Detectors

10 Nov 2011, 16:00
KBW.1.017 (KBW / EMMI)



Planckstraße 1 64291 Darmstadt Germany


Prof. Massimo Caccia (INFN)


Particle and nuclear physics experiments have been pushing the development of position sensitive semiconductor detectors, notably based on Silicon and with a pixelized layout. Available systems and dedicated detectors resulting from the same background knowledge have been recently commissioned for beam profilometry in a broad sense, ranging from a modern, digital equivalent of the alumina scintillator screens to devices capable of providing quantitative information on the beam parameters. The review will essentially address results based on 3 extremely complementary approaches and technologies: - a hybrid pixel detector based on the MEDIPIX counting chip - a hybrid pixel detector based on the LHCb vertex detector technology - a dedicated monolithic active pixel detector with moderate granularity, high dynamic range and high frame rate.

Primary author

Prof. Massimo Caccia (INFN)

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