Hartmut Eickhoff
(GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH)
11/10/11, 12:15 PM
John Gordon
11/10/11, 12:30 PM
The talk will present an overview of the particle therapy commercial marketplace (players, technology trends etc) as well as of the particle therapy beam delivery options (accelerator types, scattering and scanning). Diagnostic devices (multiwire and multistrip chambers, scintillators, Faraday cups); Some discussion of commercial electrometer design options for multichannel low-current...
Martin Bräuer
11/10/11, 1:30 PM
The Siemens IONTRIS system for Particle Therapy (*) comprises the raster scanning method for beam application. Due to the concept of reducing material in the beam path as much as possible, gaseous detectors are used to control beam application. The detectors are embedded into a detector system, comprising HV-generation, slow control, amplifier electronics, ADC’s and reconstruction. Detector...
Jörg Pawelke
(OncoRay / HZDR)
11/10/11, 3:20 PM
The development of laser particle accelerators for radiotherapy application is the goal of comprehensive long-term research, established in close cooperation between the National Center of
Radiation Research in Oncology (OncoRay) at Dresden University and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR).
In a first step of the necessary translational chain from basic research to clinical...
Sabine Reinhardt
11/10/11, 3:40 PM
Massimo Caccia
11/10/11, 4:00 PM
Particle and nuclear physics experiments have been pushing the development of position sensitive semiconductor detectors, notably based on Silicon and with a pixelized layout.
Available systems and dedicated detectors resulting from the same background knowledge have been recently commissioned for beam profilometry in a broad sense, ranging from a modern, digital equivalent of the alumina...
Jan Würfel
11/10/11, 4:30 PM
PTW-Freiburg is an internationally operating company, manufacturing and marketing specialized dosimetry and quality control equipment for the medical radiology and health physics market. The talk will provide an introduction to the PTW product family, focusing on electrometers, single chambers and monitor chambers.
Jean-Jacques Gras
11/10/11, 5:30 PM
This talk will present an initiative launched during the recent International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC11) to define and produce a common web portal for Beam Instrumentation, with the aim of allowing any beam instrumentalist to:
- Easily find the laboratories with machines using beams of similar characteristics (particle type, total beam intensity, bunch intensity, frequency,...
Peter Heydebreck
(Engage AG)
11/10/11, 6:00 PM
Prof. Dr. Peter Heydebreck will outline the opportunities and challenges of commercializing the research potentials and results from public research. More specifically, he will address the adequacy of different incentive mechanisms for the engaged researchers, research institutions and valorization professionals. Peter will highlight the unique opportunities which partnerships between leading...
Marcus Schwickert
(GSI Darmstadt)
11/11/11, 9:00 AM
Presently the FAIR (Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research) project at GSI Darmstadt enters into the realization phase. Because of the intricate requirements, like e.g. operation at high beam intensities near the space charge limit, as well as transport of low particle numbers of rare isotope beams, the FAIR facility demands in many cases for enhanced and/or novel types of beam diagnostic...
Alexander Bechthold
(NTG), Dr
Peter Strehl
11/11/11, 9:30 AM
From January 1st 2011 NTG has taken over well known company PET-Darmstadt owned by P. Strehl and H. Kraus. The implementation of PET's products and components into the NTG product range results in a considerable extension of the product range, especially in the field of accelerator physics and beam diagnostics. This presentation first gives an overview about NTG's competence and product range...
Eleni Berdermann
11/11/11, 11:30 AM
CVD diamond is a wide band gap material combining the distinct thermal, optical, and electronic properties required for particle and photon detection in extreme conditions. Diamond detectors reveal extreme radiation tolerance and speed while operating at room temperature and visible light. They are capable of single-particle monitoring of primary ion beams in a wide beam intensity range from a...
Jerzy Pietraszko
11/11/11, 11:45 AM
The report will give an overview of the results obtained in HADES heavy ion experiments with the diamond based detectors. These detectors have been used to measure the reaction time (T0) thus have to cope with very high particle flux, above 10^6 Au ions/sec/mm^2. The T0 measurement is crucial for the particle identification in the HADES spectrometer and intrinsic time resolution better then...
Pascal Renschler
11/11/11, 12:30 PM
The Karlsruhe Tritium Neutrino Experiment uses a Windowless Gaseous Tritium source to measure the neutrino mass. This source provides a flux of electrons with an average energy of 4 keV towards retarding spectrometers of 10E11 electrons per second. The flux, which is guided adiabatically by magnetic fields, is uniformly spread over cross sections larger than 40 cm². We outline the cases, why...
Martin Klein
(CDT GmbH)
11/11/11, 1:00 PM
CDT is a university spin-off founded in 2006 dedicated to detector technology, especially neutron detectors. Therefore it develops and provides complete solutions for customized needs starting from particle detector front-end systems over highly integrated readout electronics and software. For neutron detection thin coatings of 10Boron are used as technological alternative to 3He based neutron...
Evangelos Gazis
(Athens / CERN)
11/11/11, 1:30 PM
Neutron quasi-monoenergetic beam irradiations are presented delivered by proton- or deuteron induced reactions by CW-beam of protons or deuterons of the 5.5 MV-TN11 Tandem Van der Graaff particle accelerator of the NCSR ‘‘Demokritos’’. Emphasis is given to the comprehension of all the interactive mechanisms resulting from the presence of the high background radiation, with respect to the...