15-18 February 2022
Schlosshotel Rheinfels, St. Goar, Germany
Europe/Berlin timezone

Participant List

46 participants

Title First Name Last Name Affiliation
Dr Abhishek Mohapatra Technical University-Munich
Dr Chris Bouchard University of Glasgow
Dr Christopher Johnson GSI
Dr Daniel Mohler GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH(GSI)
Dr Elisabetta PRencipe JLU - University of Giessen
Dr Felix Erben University of Edinburgh
Dr Fernando Romero-Lopez MIT
Dr Georg Bergner University of Jena
Dr Gernot Eichmann LIP & IST Lisboa
Dr Maria Paola Lombardo INFN
Dr Markus Huber Giessen Unviersity
Dr Masoud Shokri IPM, School of Particles and Accelerators
Dr Oliver Witzel Universität Siegen
Dr Padmanath Madanagopalan Helmholtz Institut Mainz
Dr Patrick Koppenburg Nikhef National institute for subatomic physics (NL)
Dr Renwick Hudspith JGU Mainz
Dr robert pisarski brookhaven national laboratory
Dr Sara Collins University of Regensburg
Dr Suchita Kulkarni University of Graz
Dr Theresa Fruth UCL
Dr Vanamali Shastry Jan Kochanowski University
Mr Bernd Riederer University of Graz
Mr Di AN Uppsala University
Mr Enrico Trotti University Jan Kochanowski, Kielce
Mr Fabian Zierler University of Graz
Mr Jan Neuendorf University of Münster
Mr Joshua Hoffer Giessen University
Mr Lasse Mueller Goethe University Frankfurt
Mr Martin Pflaumer Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Mr Maxim Mai The George Washington University
Mr Seán Mee Uni of Graz
Mr Srijit Paul University of Mainz
Mr Stephan Hagel JLU Gießen
Mr Ubaid Hussain Tantary Kent State University, Kent Ohio USA
Mrs Carolin Schlosser Goethe Universität Frankfurt a.M.
Ms Elizabeth Dobson University of Graz
Prof. Adam Szczepaniak Indiana University
Prof. Axel Maas University of Graz
Prof. Christian Fischer JLU Giessen
Prof. Eulogio Oset Baguena IFIC- University of Valencia-CSIC
Prof. Francesco Giacosa Jan Kochanowski University
Prof. Mikhail Barabanov Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
Prof. Reinhard Alkofer University of Graz
Prof. Stanley Brodsky SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University
Prof. Volker Crede Florida State University
Prof. Wolfgang Gradl Institut für Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz